Something I wrote on my wall (yes we write on the walls here at my apartment) when I first moved in for all the people who bless my place with their presence.
Loyalty is a very big part of my life as well as trust. As it should be yours. Loyalty goes a long way in life, love and business. Those who stay loyal prosper in life and flourish greatly.
Love is all around us at all times. It comes through all of our senses, at all times 24-7, 365. We must love everyone, since we are all one. Even love your enemies, for they know not what do wrong. Love does not hurt, it enriches the soul.
Respect, enough said...don't need to break it down. Give respect at all times and be the bigger person, it pays off in the end.
With that said my people, enjoy the weekend...we work hard day in and day out to achieve the dream. Follow your dreams, because without dreams what else do we have to live for.
Aloha Friday,
Abel G.