Sunday, June 30, 2013

Its all good pt.2

Summertime is upon us and the energy from the sun is peaking right now.  The levels are at an all time high.  Recharge your energy cells and live in the moment.  I am so proud to say that I am a 179 days sober from alcohol.  I'll tell you it sure feels great.  I feel healthy and clarity is at an all time high.  Its the greatest feeling of no worries and great to know all things are possible.  I couldn't have done it without my support system.  I have the greatest woman a man could ask for.  She quit drinking with me and we're in this together.  Great people do great things.  She always puts my mind at ease when I do have any troubles.  So supportive I throw myself into her eyes and our souls float away with the ocean breeze.  She captivates my mind.  And she captures my soul with such the sweetest love.  It is a bliss that comforts me when I am in need.  There is no war going on between us.  We are a team like the secret service.  We are family.

May your day go in peace, one love

Sun Fire

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Its All Good

This is one of the few designs for my clothing line I.A.G.
Its All Good
My show on July 18th, I should have shirts to sell by then.  Timing is starting to take my side and things seem to keep falling into place.  We are a team working towards the same goal, making this world a more peaceful place.  The designs were created by my vision and my graphic designer Adam Santana.  The reality is that everything takes time and patience to come into fruition.  There are so many players working behind the scenes to help me.  I am very fortunate to have such a great team.
I am blessed.  But maybe its supposed to be that way because I am a kind and loving person.  I am always trying to help others.  Its good karma.  Everything comes around full circle.  I call it the "boomerang effect."  I will be speaking more of this discovery I have developed the last couple of months ago.  I have been reading and doing my research to explain what this is all about.  Thank you for your nonstop support and be ready for the "Boomerang Effect."

May your day go in peace and enjoy the weekend, weekend warriors...

One Love,

Sun Fire

Friday, June 28, 2013

Let the pain flow away

It feels incredible to be back on the stage again.  Its where I belong.  It had been a few years since my last show.  The mental illness really set me back and it took awhile to adapt.  But now it all feels comfortable again.  I never really knew if I would be able to make it past my fears.  Self-confidence and preparation is a major necessity.  God it feels good to be back.  My next show is July 18th in Ventura, you can purchase tickets right here:

I am gonna keep lining up shows and keep chipping away at this next project.  Patience is a virtue that I am still trying to figure out.  I also wanna thank the people that made it out to the show.  I enjoy the love.  All the continued support is starting to add up and things are working themselves out.

Positive energy, one love

Sun Fire

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Keep it positive

As we make our way towards our dreams and goals we must remember what the objective is.  Life is based on love, giving and receiving it.  It should be an abundance of love.  Sharing is caring.  I have nothing but love in my mind, body and soul.  Its the honest to god truth.  I am at a point in my life that I don't want any troubles.  I just want the truth.  I want to know what it is exactly I am put here on this earth to do and accomplish.  I do not wish to feel pain or sorrow.  I want to feel good and be happy and content with life.  Tonight I get the opportunity to perform.  If your gonna be able to make it out, I look forward to seeing you.  It will be a great show.  Please get there on time and if you are gonna be drinking make sure you have a designated driver.  Nothing but positive vibes and good energy.  Be safe and come to have a good time.  

One Love...

Sun Fire

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

No Regrets

I wish I was back in Kauai, like 2003.  Just wandering the East Side of the island was so cool.  Flip flops and my guitar.  I would walk everywhere looking for work.  Once the day was completed, I would cruise to the beach, smoke a joint and just jam out on the guitar.  Such peaceful times and life was in an introspective balance.  I headed out there on a whim.  Sold all my stuff and left my apartment in Laguna Beach.  I needed a change of lifestyle.  During my twenties I lived on the edge of my seat.  I did whatever I pleased without a worry in the world for the consequences. 

No regrets...

Sun Fire

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Decision has been Made

My next album will be the highest quality possible.  I have begun the process to set the ground work for this project.  I am gonna save all my money to have a solid budget to make this all happen. 
Nothing in the music business is free.  If you wanna do it you gotta have money and sales to go with the complete project.  The point is to make top quality music so it will sell.  Its an investment an artist has to make.  Bottom line you should be investing in yourself anyway.  Be proactive towards your dreams and don't ever give up.  Its a long rode, but its definitely worth the journey.  If you believe in something and you work towards a definitive goal, anything can happen.  Take your time, be patient and let your talents shine.  We can do this together if we all unite.  One love...

May your day go in peace...

Sun Fire

Monday, June 24, 2013

Aloha Monday

                                Photo: Sheila Louise

Sometimes we never know where were gonna land.  Is it a smooth or bumpy flight?  I am truly thankful to be where I am at today.  I'm safe, alive, I have food and shelter.  I have all the basics taken care of.  I am 173 days sober from alcohol and I would like to give thanks to my sobriety for my success.  It brought me back to the music with so much more to write about.  Pleasure and pain with so much more to gain.  Learn from your mistakes and try not to make them twice or three times.  No pun intended.  

Life has been good to me.  I am 31 years old, alive and healthy.  Some of the abuse I put my body through was catastrophic in my opinion.  The fact that I survived gives me the determination and desire to keep going forward.  There is no point in giving up after coming so far.  I made a solid commitment to myself and to those I love that my downward spiral would stop.  Something deep down inside made everything click like a seat belt.  Most of all, I am happy.  I am going to make the best of my life being optimistic and open minded.  Let trouble come another day.  Not today.  Today is special and I am thankful.  Humbled by the strength of our thoughts and what they manifest.  The mind is a terrible thing to waste.  Don't spend too much time thinking your life away. Take action and live in the moment.  The only thing that matters is what is going on right now.  What's your next move...

 May your day go in peace

Sun Fire

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Love makes the world go round

                                        Photo: Sheila Louise

With every positive action we take, there is a positive reaction.  There is a constant flow of energy always in motion.  That is how the universe works.  We give, we take, it is all an abundance of flowing energy surrounding and inside all of us.  We live in a beautiful place.  Take heed to the amount of positive energy flowing throughout the atmosphere and soak it all in.  Let your home become a hub of energy that causes your aura to glow.  Be patient everything comes with time and dedication.  It takes a lot of work on the mind to block out the negativity.  Remember to breath and relax.  Kick your feet up and enjoy a nice cold beverage.  Summer has come upon us and the time to take action is now.  Evolution is happening to us every moment that passes.  Developing us into what and who we want to be... Kind and gentle human beings.  There is no need to be anything other than that.  Spread the message for peace and love.  Have a great day

May your day go in peace.

Sun Fire

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Everything is gonna be alright

                                             Photo: Sheila Louise

 In the end we always find a way to survive.  Its in our genetic make up.  We are survivors.  Our hearts are soldiers of love.  A broken heart can always be mended.  Don't ever forget that.  Smile as much as possible.  They are contagious just like yawning.  Be an advocate for peace and equality throughout mankind.  Mother nature yearns to be loved and appreciated.  Give nothing but nurturing love from the soul. Let your aura grow over this special day today.  Summer is just beginning and its time for you to enjoy the positive energy the universe is emitting.  Right now is the perfect time to sit outside and reflect on the positive that is going on in your life. While the sun shines down upon you, bask in the sun rays.  Let the overwhelming feelings of joy rub off on the world around you.  Shine like the star you are.  We are glowing my friends and we need to spread this positive energy to others.  The universe needs your energy.  Just like you need energy from the universe.  It works both ways.  I hope this inspires you today.  

May your day be calm and peaceful...

Sun Fire

Friday, June 21, 2013

Windows of opportunity...

                                Photo: Sheila Louise

Sometimes things just all fall into place.  The right players seem to all just end up in our life to make things happen.  My music for example takes a lot of effort from many people.  It's like were a family of artists and we all come together naturally when being creative.  I am very thankful for everyone willing to devote their time and effort to this vision I have.  Were just at the roots of this project and its sounding so good.  It feels incredible being in the studio and my energy is flying high.  Its a blessing to be able to do what I do.  I want to provide nothing but the most high quality material.  

Do what you love and don't hesitate to follow your dreams.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  Good is the only thing that's real.  Put the time and effort into something worthwhile and enjoy the journey along the path of life.  Feel the good energy and let it take you to a higher place.  Pour out nothing but love from your heart and let your soul breath easy.  The world is a beautiful place and it is meant to be loved and appreciated.  Her beauty is flawless...mother nature.  Take care of her cause in the universe what you give all comes back to you.  Peace and love friends.

May you be at ease and calm throughout your day...sending nothing but good energy your way.

Sun Fire

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Just Breath

                                 Photo: Sheila Louise

Close your eyes and just breath.  Imagine you can be anywhere you want to be.  The world is yours for the taking.  Concentrate on your breathing and put all your energy into it. 
Settle down the mind and pick an enchanted vision that you can focus on.  The ocean, the mountains, whatever you choose, stay within that moment.  And just breath...inhale...exhale.  Take deep breaths.  Relax the mind.  Shutoff the outside world.  Take in a moment of stillness.   

Sometimes that is needed to get the energy going in the right direction.  I hope you can achieve these results.  Let your mind be at ease and be free of any troubles.  Positive Energy...equals Positive Energy.  What you give is what you get.  Its the law of attraction.  The universe is working right now for your benefit.  The energy we exert is tremendous.  Remember we are all intelligent human beings.  We do have our flaws, but pay no mind to it.  Focus on the positive and remain peaceful and happy.  Don't let anyone steal your joy.  Like Kala says "the good is real."

I hope you all have a wonderful day today may you go in peace...

Sun Fire

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The meaning of life is to be happy.  Simple as that.  We can choose to make the decisions that decide our fate.  We can overcome anything.  We are resilient creatures that have the power to choose our thoughts.  We can stop the negative energy at any time.  It is our divine right to experience pleasure and happiness.  We are all here to live beautiful lives.  Make some magic happen.  Live as if time doesn't exist.  Be one with mother nature and let it guide you on your journey.  Day by day become an open minded soul.  Let the light shine all around you while you are on your path to eternal happiness.  

I am trying to paint a picture and give you a visual of what I am trying to say.  I know that bad things happen to good people.  Some situations we have no control over and sometimes we just can't avoid negative confrontations.  So, I say to that, keep an open mind that's intuitive and responsive.  Be happy.  Spread positive energy to as many as you can.  

I remember someone telling me that people who seem happy are really in denial.  I asked in denial of what?  She said that the world was nothing but negativity and terror.  I felt sorry for her.  Every aspect of this woman's life was living in fear.  I was under the impression she honestly felt this feeling in everyday life.  Trust me being happy isn't denial.  It is our divine right.  Genuine peace and love go a long way.  Though some days might not be perfect, realize how complicated and exquisite our human body is and how powerful the mind can be.  We have the will power to succeed.  

Now get out there and start living...

Thank you for stopping by and may your day go in peace,

Sun Fire

I'm sure there will be

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Take Me Away

                                                              Photo: Sheila Louise

It was a great studio session last night.  The foundation of my new album has been laid out.  It feels great to know that work was efficient.  Its easy like that when there are good vibes flowing. 
Brick by brick and layer by layer this album will be flawless.  The entire process of building the music is a great experience.  From the raw edits to completed project.  Wow.  When all the instruments are together in harmony and everything is flowing.  Its like building a house, it all starts with the foundation.  Or like a tree that is grown from the roots.  

Today we will have over 10,000 hits on my blog.  I am very happy my blog has gained popularity and people enjoy stopping by.  I am glad I can fill your day with positive energy and I hope I get your day started on a good note.  Thank you for all the support.  I extend my deepest true intentions and
I am humbled by this experience.  Lets keep it growing and show the world there are good people out still out there.  Make a difference in the world and stand up for what you believe in.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  Make your mark in society.

Thank you for stopping by and may your day go in peace,

Sun Fire

Monday, June 17, 2013

Step into the Future

                               Photo: Sheila Louise

Take a step down from the escalator and see where it takes you.  Guide yourself through life as if your on a positive journey through a tunnel that is vast and filled with joy. And once your out of the tunnel your mind has opened up to the universe showering one another with gifts from every thought we think.  It has all led to this.  This photo and this blog to lift your spirits and take you to another dimension.  We must live for right now and enjoy everything in life.   That is our choice and its up to us to determine how every moment turns out.  Live in the moment for today.  That's all we can do.  No need to pester yourself with negative thoughts and emotions.  Stand directly in the path of the sun and let it warm your soul.  Feed off of the energy from this ball of sun fire and remember we need it in order to live.  Appreciate this luxury.  Remember our planet is created for us to live, love and appreciate.  We must pay tribute by invoking positive energy into the universe.  Everything comes back around full circle.  Good with the good and bad with the bad.  I hope you enjoy this photo as it helps your mind wonder to what it is.  A disco???  It is actually a picture taken at LAX.  Let the mind wander and let it take you to a special place that has everything you need in life.  All pleasure and no pain.  We all have painful memories, but that's all they are, memories.  You are alive.  Right here, right now.  Enjoy life to the fullest.  Never stop reaching for your goals.  

One love...

Sun Fire

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day

Wanna wish all the father's a happy father's day.  Life changes when we procreate.  Well I at least would hope so.  Caring for your child is love.  The vibrational frequencies from children are very high because their life is filled with joy.  The simplest of things can make a child laugh.  I am speaking on behalf of my son who is three years old.  Such a fun loving bowl of laughter he is.  My son makes me feel more responsible for life, since I must care for him as well.  Even though he lives two and a half hours away I still send energy his way.  I chose to quit drinking so I can be at my best for my son.  I wanna set a very good example that he can follow on his own path.  I want to make sure he gets all he needs to live a very nice and comfortable life.  I want him to enjoy knowledge and reach for the stars because anything is attainable in life.  With a dream, a goal, and motivation can take you a long ways.  Inspire everyone...

May your day go in peace and thank you for stopping by...

One Love

Sun Fire

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Journey on this road with me

Life isn't so bad after all.  Everything seems to work itself out and usually turns out to be okay.  It can sometimes be a tight and windy road, but were usually able to make it through.  And in the end we still end up making it out avoiding troubles.  Whatever obstacles we face we shall overcome and succeed in the end.  Life is just a game that we all play and the way you play the game is how your life shall turnout.  Every day is a new day and we get another crack at it.  Just be wise and kind and shall all be fine.  I didn't mean to rhyme it just came out that way.  Today is a good day and I'm feeling great.  Get out there and enjoy the world and what it all has to offer.  Its summer time and the sun shall shine.  What a magic at work that is so divine.  Enjoy your day is all I have to say...

One Love

Sun Fire

Friday, June 14, 2013

Welcome Aloha Friday

                           Photo: Sheila Louise

    Appreciate what you have, because you can have it all one day and lose it all the next.  I am only speaking from experience.  I will continue to work on spreading positive energy so that will only happen less than expected.  Keep your vibrational energy feeding the universe so it will respond accordingly. Keep positive energy flowing out of you, so all weekend you are shining.  Let your aura grow its light and people will be attracted to your frequency.  The Law of Attraction is at work with each and every moment that passes.  Do your best to see the positive out of situations that arise in our life.  These challenges appear daily.  Just let the good vibes flow and never give in to the negative energy that's out in the universe.  Put yourself up to the challenge, it's definitely worth it. 

Monday is a studio day and I am so excited to get back to work on my new album.  I wanna thank everyone who has been so supportive along the way.  I have come from rock bottom to this and I am so thankful I have the opportunity to write and create music.  It is creative and an outlet for my freedom of expression.  I promise I'll bring you nothing but the best of my ability.  Enjoy your Friday and have a great weekend.

Thank you for stopping by...

Sun Fire

Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Love Goes With You

                                        Photos: Sheila Louise

I know the picture is hilarious.   But hey its early and I wanted to start you off with a smile.  A smile has got to be one of the easiest things you can do for someone.  Smiling and sending a message of peace, love and harmony.  Trust me its that easy.  I have learned through plenty of experience that you need to turn that frown upside down and be happy.  Life is supposed to be an enjoyable experience, so get out there and see the world.  Share your gifts with others.  Let others show their gifts to you.  Give in order to receive.  Its okay if you initiate the initial response.  Let your aura shine and others will follow.  Be a teacher and healer using love.  We are meant to be loving human beings.  Discover the true sense of what life is really about. Do you get it yet?  I really didn't catch on til I reached my thirties.  My 20's were a beautiful disaster.  I have lived a blessed life and thankfully I am still here.  It really is a miracle after all the abuse I put my body through.  There is so much to live for.  Don't take it for granted and really try to make each and every day count.  Enjoy life because we never know when its gonna come to an end.  Live each day to the fullest and remind yourself of all the things you have to be thankful for.  Appreciate your life and live with a good intention that is the divine calling.  Everybody matters because we are matter.  We are made up of so many particles when put into perspective.  Please look at the bigger picture and its time to think outside the box.  Use your intelligent mind to focus on what you really want out of life.  Keep yourself motivated and disciplined.  Trust me if you look into it with your soul good things will happen.  Clarity.
Peace. And love.

Have a blessed day and thank you for stopping by.

Sun Fire

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

I'm Carrying the World on my Back...

                                        Photo: Sheila Louise  

I am a spiritual warrior who's soul has been around for centuries.  I have been through love, peace and war.  I have seen it all flash before my eyes plenty of times to know my existence on a spiritual level.  Then to discover I come from Ojibwe bloodlines, it explains everything.  It is my Native American spirit at work.  When I am deeply in touch with my soul at times when I'm writing or playing music, I close my eyes and can see it all.  This act of expression is my best way to show you my life.  Hoping that you can relate to the struggles that I go through as you go through them yourself.  Whether through my writings on my blog or the music I create, you can relate to it.  I hope to catch your attention and speak or sing to you while you read and listen.  I have nothing but the best intentions to offer.  I mean no harm.  I am a gentle old soul that needs to be nourished.  And my outlet happens to be this.  I am glad I have this opportunity.  Its my way of changing the world one person at a time.  Brick by brick, layer by layer.  Shed your skin and transform yourself to who you really want to be and what you really want to do.  The universe is there for the taking.  Don't hold anything back.  Give it your best effort.  And day by day you will be living the dream.

Aloha People...Mahalo for stopping by...

Sun Fire

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Be at peace with one another

                                  Photo: Sheila Louise

Its the summertime reggae music that is flowing through my soul.  It looks as though we'll back in the studio real soon.  It puts a big smile on my face and makes me happy.  This is my world and it quenches my thirst for creativity.  Music soothes my soul.  I am very fortunate to have the creativity and the talent to keep you entertained.  You're here for a reason and a purpose.  Let me lift your spirits as we travel on this journey together.  If you read my blog everyday you are basically reading my daily journal.   I just want my voice to be heard.  I want society to be a better place.  I am on a music mission to save the world.  If you are on twitter you should follow me @abelgigz.  

I do a lot of reading on various subjects.  I want the knowledge and the open mind to be a better person.  I am thinking of turning my blog into a book.  I have enough writings to do it.  That is going to be the next move after I finish this new album.  I'm hoping what my friend is telling me is true that once I get him this new album done, he is claiming he can get me on a nationwide tour.  It sounds too good to be true but that is reality.  I do speak the truth as well as seek the truth.  The truth shall set you free.  So I'm letting you know, I'm all in.  Its been 7 years of writing music and the fire still burns for my creativity.  I am just glad I have the gift to write music and play my guitar.  Things happen when you stick to it.  In other words, never, ever give up on your dreams.  You must struggle before you succeed.  Hard work does pay off when you have drive and determination.  Let your voice be heard heard. 

Sun Fire has spoken, thank you for stopping by and may your day go in peace.

You can now purchase my clothing line Abel Garcia right here with over 151 styles to choose from:

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tennessee Sky part 3

Imagine your at a place no one knows about.  Its a forbidden treasure.  Let your destination take you anywhere in the world.  Let yourself relax and and feel the peaceful energy flowing through the universe.  Make each and every day count and do something better today than yesterday.  We are alive.  We are human beings meant to love with all our might.  It is our destiny so our souls can be nurtured.  May your soul go in peace.  The mind is very powerful and what we feed the universe will come back to us like a boomerang.  Just do the right thing and please be mature about your decisions.  

Your aura effects others in more ways than one.  We are made of light as the sun fire bursts its energy out towards our planet to keeps us alive.  We need it, just like we need adequate rest as well.  Our physical body needs to sleep to recover from all the energy we use throughout the day.  Our conscious mind needs a break while our subconscious mind sends us our dreams.  Everything in our life happens the way it happens for a reason.  Life teaches us lessons when we make choices.  And everything has a consequence.  Good and bad.  Just choose the right path and stay in your lane and I'm sure everything will work itself out the way its supposed to.  Stay blessed.

Sun Fire has spoken, thank you for visiting and may you go in peace...

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tennessee Sky part 2

                                               Photo: Sheila Louise

Take your life to a whole other dimension.  See things differently and feed positive energy to the universe.  You don't want to give out negative energy, because eventually it will make its way back to you. The Law of Attraction is at work in our lives constantly.  Summer has pretty much begun and it is time to recharge your soul with the sun's energy.  Let your soul be enriched with positive energy and live for the moment.  Make each day count moving closer and closer to your dreams.  Keep the negativity light years away.  Shed light on the goodness in your life and appreciate the beauty of the universe.  Its vast amount of energy that is all there for the taking.  Absorb it to the fullest extent and allow your energy to come together as one manifesting into your spiritual being.  We are glowing people like bursts of sun fire.  We are alive like the sun and constantly releasing energy with every breath of air we take.  Every beat of the heart.  Everything we are composed of is energy.  Send out good vibes to the universe.  Give and you shall receive.

Sun Fire has spoken, thank you for stopping by and may you go in peace.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Everything will be okay...

                                                               Photo by Sheila Louise

Be one with mother nature.  Appreciate the earth.  The world is a beautiful place.  Different parts of the world have different types of energy.  My suggestion, make it a plan to go travel.  Go on a mission and see all the beauty and positive things the universe has to offer.  Exotic places have exotic energy.  They don't label them exotic for nothing. 

Imagine this...
You are on the beaches of Hawaii, at whichever Island you choose.  You are laying on the pearl white sand.  It is warm.  You have made snow angels in the sand and the energy of it is rubbing off on you.  You are soaking in the sun rays.  Its okay the sand get's stuck on your body because the ocean is cool and healing.  And you can go cool down and wash the sand off in the turquoise ocean at anytime.  Maybe its the evening and you are having a bonfire...or a bond fire.  Bonding with friends while the fire crackles the wood.  Everyone is telling stories and enjoying the energy that keeps you warm.  The sound of the waves crashing at the shoreline.  Such beautiful imagery.  Get inspired, stay inspired, live inspired.

Sun Fire has spoken, may your day go in peace. Aloha from the Islands of Hawaii.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Set me free...

Positive energy does work and creates a portal in the universe for you to dive head first into.  The world is meant to be a peaceful place for all of us to live freely.  Life is a miracle.  Our mind and soul need to be nourished.  Most of all we need love.  It needs to be given and received, so our emotions counteract properly with the universe.  Today will be the best day I've ever had and the lessons I learn will be used tomorrow so it will be an even better day.  Keep on fighting the struggle.  Trust me each day will get better and better.  There is light at the end of the tunnel.  Keep climbing the mountains, you are almost to the peak of Mt. Everest.  Go outside and take a deep breath of air and when you exhale feel the negativity just exit your body.  Let yourself be loved by the universe and love everything in return.  Its like a boomerang effect in motion.  Remember when dealing with those who are sending negative vibes, get away, or immediately change the topic.  Your energy level needs to project rewarding gestures of positivity to the world.  Love earth.  Love mother nature.  Live a life of love.  Everybody needs love.  Most of all have a solid support system.  It helps to have others to feed off their energy and they feed off yours.  It's the Law of Attraction.  The universe is in motion whether you want to believe it or not and karmic rays circulate forever.  Good Karma.

Sun Fire has spoken, may your day go in peace filled with nothing but rewarding experiences.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Let the imagination wander

The world is a beautiful place with so much opportunity.  Don't take life for granted.  Get the creativity flowing and see what your maximum potential is.  Everyone of us is here to offer something to the universe.  It is up to us to discover what it is we are meant to do.  My life has begun to turn me into a person who wants to help people.  With my music and my writing.  Its what I love to do.  I have always wanted my life to be this way since I was a child.  It changed as I got older.  During high school I wanted to go to West Point Military Academy.  I got nominated by Congressman Elton Gallagley to have my choice at either West Point or The Air Force Academy.  I didn't go because I scored too low on my SAT.  As you know my life did not turn out that way.  But it is okay because there is nothing I have regrets about.  I had the opportunity to graduate from U.C. Irvine Anteaters baby.  I have had the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures.  Life has been amazing.  And now I get to create beautiful music.  Its the opportunity of a lifetime.  Its funny how life seems to turn out, but we are always evolving.  Contributing to the universe all of our thoughts and emotions.  I hope you are contributing your part of good energy.  Feed off of my energy and grow your aura even larger so others can feed off of you.  See everything in motion because everything is alive.  Human nature is real.  Be kind and let your soul relax.

Sun Fire has spoken, may your day go in peace...

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I can see your aura

What kind of external energy are you submitting throughout the universe?  The energy from your soul flows outward.  You know the saying, "Wow, you are glowing right now.  Well in actuality you are glowing.  You are sending out light and signals, that some people can see.  It's your aura.  Believe it or not but this light is really centered on how you are feeling.  Depression, alcohol, drugs, and lack of good health all determine the energy you are sending to the universe.  Your body language and mood are expressions that people can see.  Good attracts good.  Negativity attracts negativity.  Its the flow of energy that we are all dispersing into the cosmic rays of the universe.  Our emotional field can either let in the outside energy or block it out.  In other words, put your guard down and just accept everything life is offering to you.  Don't shut down emotionally when your are in pain.  You should do opposite and open up to the spiritual world that offers peace.  Align your cosmic force field to the sun and let it warm your soul.  If it's the evening, relax your soul and be thankful to be safe in your place of refuge.  Life is all about the good and the bad.  Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst.  React accordingly and don't let anything get you down.  Always remain positive and open minded to every situation life throws at us.  I wish you well...
Sun Fire has spoken.  Thank you for stopping by and may you go in peace.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Internal Rewards

                                                    Photo: Sheila Louise

Walk thru the window of opportunity.  Life is filled with possibility and we must take action.  Don't wait for miracles to happen.  Create your own destiny and paint the picture of how you would like your life to be.  We have the internal desire to be who we want to be and do what we want to do.  No one can hold us back but ourselves.  Life is what we make of it.  And it all starts with change.  What will you do different today than yesterday?  Remember, we as human beings are constantly evolving.  We are the creatures of change.  It all starts in the mind and spreads throughout the universe infinitely.  Trust me, it is that amazing.  Conceptualize what I am explaining here.  We are supernatural forces.  Our thoughts are energy causing internal responses of all our matter as human beings.  Yes, we are all special and here for a purpose.  Seek out what it is you are here for.  Never give up.  Keep all the inspiration going and reach for the stars.  Better yet, let the sun rays soak thru your body and radiate your soul.  It's all about feeling good and content with life.  Be spiritually sound and listen to nature.  Feel it.  Love it.  Need it. 

Sun Fire has spoken,  thank you for stopping by.  May your day go in peace and rewarding.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Pleasure and pain

Sometimes we must confront our fears and face them head on.  No matter what the challenge is we must thrive to overcome the obstacles life throws at us.  From the minimum to the maximum, we deal with these issues.  How will you deal with them?  Will you combat the negative energy?  Its all in your frame of mind of how to approach these situations.  It could all be a sign that things are not on the right course.  A message the universe is sending to you that things must change.   Go outside for a walk and enjoy the beauty of nature.  Appreciate all the good things in your life and use the negative forces as a guiding tool of what you don't want in life.  I know what I don't want.  I don't want people trying to leach off of me.  I want independence from the programmed subconscious thoughts that have been in my life since birth.  I am working at rewiring my brain to only focus on the positive events in my life.  Everything that happens in life matters on how you perceive each situation good and bad.  There is always an opportunity that arises with each situation.  You make the choice.  I know what I want out of life...what do you want?

I want the truth.  I want the knowledge.  I want the key to freedom.  I want peace, joy and love.

Sun Fire has spoken, thank you for stopping by.

You can download my album Good Karma on itunes and amazon right here:

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Da Kine Vibez

No stress or pressure over here.  Its all good kine vibes.  Feel the energy causing vibrations from  within your soul.  Don't compromise for good karma.  Live it, love it, need it.  Flow with the good energy.  Go with the way of the wind and enjoy the breeze.  No negativity allowed.  Only true genuine feelings of happiness, content and control of our destinies.  Set a goal for yourself and let the universe work its magic.  Live life on a mission to discover who you really are.  Test your will and see what you are capable of.  Turn opportunity into fortune and discover how really wealthy we all are.  We are alive and the earth is a beautiful place for us to roam.  We have the potential to do anything we put our mind to.  Accomplish as much as possible.  Life is too short to dwell on the negative bullshit.  Should've, could've, would've doesn't get you anywhere.  It takes action people and the time is now for our spiritual awakening.  Shut the mind down and enjoy the peace of stillness.  Even though life is consistently in motion we can always slow things down when we need to.  Just breath.  Everything will be okay, I promise.  

Sun Fire has spoken, thank you for stopping by.

You can download my album Good Karma from itunes and amazon right here:

Saturday, June 1, 2013

My album Good Karma is now available on itunes, amazon, etc.

I can tell you, paying the rent each month makes me so happy.  I get a sense of pleasure knowing I have a place to live for another month.  It gives me peace of mind and I feel so appreciative of what I have.  A dollar earned is a dollar spent.  Money is just money and it comes and goes.  I am rich when it comes to my soul.  The wealthiest man alive filled with nothing but love and appreciation.  I honestly feel this way deep down inside of my inner spiritual being.  God please don't take this away from me.  Life is so good right now.  Universe please keep showering me with gifts and I shall surrender to the goodness you offer.  I don't have time for any of your negative energy.  I want a stress free life.  We all deserve this happiness.  Enjoy the simple pleasure of standing directly in front of the sun.  Let the sun rays beam into your inner soul.  Spread your energy to the world and don't be afraid to show the true person you are.  A kind and loving person.  We all have this ability.  Don't let your talent go to waste.  Stay strong and stay happy.  Don't let anyone steal your joy.  This is about you.  No one else.  

Sun Fire has spoken, thank you for stopping by.

Here are the links to purchase my album Good Karma