Thursday, October 31, 2013

Time to make a difference

We all have an opportunity to make this world a better place. Yes each and everyone of us. It starts with something as simple as a smile.  Believe it or not that is the truth. It starts with the smile you give yourself when you look at yourself in the mirror. Get yourself started on the right note. We must love ourselves before we can love one another. That is probably the most difficult hurdle to accomplish due to our insecurities, but we must be strong. We are all human beings and we are just people. We are simple people  With complicated minds constantly trapping the beauty that life offers. It is time to take a stand. No longer will our minds sabotage the greatness life has to offer. Set yourself free.
Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Don't take life for granted

There is so many great reasons to be alive and living. Don't let anyone steal your sunshine. We only get one life to live what's the point living in worry and in fear. We gotta mentally prepare ourselves to make the best out of any situation at all times. Things may not be all rosy but its how you end up in the end that matters most. People look up to us for guidance and strength. We must show them the tools necessary to be strong minded individuals. Its an evolutionary cycle that begins with you. I'm right by your side fighting the fight for success. Our time is now and we must seize the moment. Don't ever give up on your dreams. I won't. Thank you for stopping by.  May your day go in peace.

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Forever young

How old are you? Do you feel 10 years younger or 10 years older? Do you take care of yourself physically and mentally? I know so many questions but you must ask yourself, are you doing the best you can? Everyday I try and make sure I get proper rest and stay active. Running, hiking, pull ups, push ups, weights and meditation. I will have to admit that I am in better shape now than I have been my whole life and I am 32. Im very impressed by all the time I have put into my health. Even having a good diet makes such a huge difference in the world. Life just turns and the world just burns. Do what is necessary to keep your mind clear and live with vitality. It can start everyday by just taking a walk. It is as simple as that. C'mon now you know we all want to look good.
Thank you for stopping by and may your day go in peace. Nothing but love and positive vibes I am sending your way.

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Monday, October 28, 2013


You gotta believe it to see it. We are all manifesting our own destinies. We live in the moment to help shape the future.  With the decisions we make right now can dictate the way your day will turnout the way you want it. You must be an optimist and open minded if you want to continue on this journey. It is not for the weak hearted. You must be mind strong and body strong trying to find equilibrium.  We all need to find our balance. We all need to take special care of our auric fields as well. Your aura is what attracts all the energy.  Make sure to stay healthy and your aura  will reflect that energy right back to you. Let the divine light in and lets start living better lives now. There is no time to waste. Only time to live. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One Love

Sun Fire

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Crowd control

Buckle up your seatbelt it's gonna be an exciting ride. I have so much energy to exute today. I will play between 14-16 songs today. Depends what time I wrap up. I wanna thank Rooster Ra for opening the show for me. Expect the unexpected today because I switched it up a little bit on some of the songs. Just wanna show my range as an artist. I'll be singing and rapping today on my guitar.  Its gonna be a great show that you don't want to miss.

Stay on your toes because you never know what could happen. Simply adjust to each situation accordingly. Fool proof if I can do it so can you. I wish you well on your journey and hope you have a beautiful day filled with love. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Fight for your rights

Burst the bubble and step outside your realm. There is a whole universe there for the taking my friends. Fill the atmosphere with positive energy and that energy will boomerang back at you. It is a universal law of attraction. You attract what you want in life by your thoughts and actions every moment of everyday. It is a non stop cycle of action taking action with everything we do. I believe in this because it has worked for me. Single handedly changing my life. It has been a struggle but most definitely worth the challenge. This is just me trying to make sense of all this we call life. Thank you for your time and loyalty on this journey. It is greatly appreciated.  May your day go in peace.

One Love

Sun Fire

Friday, October 25, 2013

No pain no gain

How much love do we need? We need it all. Nothing can ever change that.  Love will heal the world.  Give the law of abundance without expecting anything in return. Give love unconditionally. The laws of the universe will take action. Just give without expecting anything in return. That is unconditional love. Stay focused on the goal at hand. We can succeed. The world is depending on us to make things right. Don't give up on your dreams because dreams are what make our lives complete. Aim for the stars. Stay strong my friends. Without struggle there is no success. Thank you for your support. May your day go in peace.

One love

Sun Fire

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Highs and lows. Ups and downs. Smiles and frowns. But regardless we are still here. We are survivors. Don't sweat the small stuff. No point in getting worked up over things you do not control. I have my own battle scars but I won't let it break me.  One day at a time is the only way to live. Moment by moment.  Living in the now. I promise I won't let any of my supporters down. You have my undivided attention and thank you for yours. Stay true to yourself and may your day go in peace.

One love

Sun Fire

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Dedication and desire

Do you have the power to live the law of attraction or live in the now? Two of the greatest lessons I have had the opportunity to learn. There are so many books that can offer you assistance. I began my journey in 2008 when I read Exodus a biography of Bob Marley. Then I read living the law of attraction and that's when I noticed the change. After reading The power of now I was awakened to a whole new dimension. I felt unstoppable on this journey. But then my mental illness crushed me. It took me a long 3 years to gain this wisdom back. Its a matter of retraining your mind and the way it works. All the information is out there. I recommend Kala Ambrose as well. She is a very great teacher. If I can come back from broke and homeless and living with a mental illness, I believe anything is possible. If I can do it so can you. All you need is a dream and the will power. Stay strong and thank you for stopping by.  One love.

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Monday, October 21, 2013

Two times better

I most definitely had a huge awakening this past weekend.  Who I am and where I am supposed to go. Knowledge is the key to the future. A clear vision and path is what I seek. I have a feeling its going to be a big week filled with opportunity and accomplishments. I can feel it intuitively. My native spirit has been awakened and Sun Fire has spoken to me. I will change the world.  Thank you for stopping by.  One love.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

No time to waste

The worst thing anyone can have is to be living in fear.  Stress is such a health killer. We breakout, gain weight, or lose weight our body chemistry is way out of wack. Im crumbling all the walls down and starting with a fresh slate. This has to be one of the most easiest and difficult changes anyone can make. I don't need to be afraid of the unknown. Remember life is a journey and it doesn't matter wherever you are let the walls come down.  The only thing that is real is the good.  Believe it or not but we built up these walls since we were children. Break the cycle took me 32 years to figure out something so complex but simple. No stress. Happy wife happy life. Remember everyday is a fresh start from the moment you awaken. Its up to you how you choose to perceive things good or fear. Well I have no fear of my future cuz everything I'm doing everyday gets me inches closer to my goal. Sharing beautiful music with the world. Thats one hell of a dream but music can change lives. Its a universal language. I love all of you.  Thank you for stopping by and I hope you believe in the good. Cuz in the end thats all that matters. #legacy

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Get up stand up

I can't help it, but I love waking up early. I feel like I can get so much done while you are still sleeping. I just have a thing for seeing the sunrise and sunset. A complete day if you ask me. You gotta make the most of it because you never know when time is up. That is what I'm so thankful Appreciate the beauty life has to offer. Take a risk and see where it takes you. Remember life is a journey that is meant to be enjoyed to the fullest. Don't take anything for granted and be thankful. You can never be too thankful for the blessings we have in life. I appreciate my hands and fingers for allowing me to play guitar. I appreciate my distinct voice which I can sing. Simple as that...just be thankful. I come as a servant for the people. Thank you for stopping by.

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Friday, October 18, 2013

Make it a day to remember

What doesn't break you only makes you stronger. We're built to survive the toughest situations.  Our bodies are well equipped to withstand pain. Pain is just a feeling anyways that can be tolerated. Don't let anything get you down. We need to stay mentally and physically tough. One sound mind. React to situations with ease and not angst. People will respect you more for always keeping it together. Make sure you shed your emotions to the one's who truly listen and do not judge. People who judge think they are equipped with all the knowledge. But know oh so little. I am just basing these opinions from personal experience. Sometimes its just best when things are left unsaid and kept to yourself. Then you have no one's opinion to deal with. Were all in this together. Thank you for stopping by.

One Love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Keep it simple

As the world turns life goes on. Regardless of what is going on the world, the world keeps on spinning. Don't dwell on the minor stuff. Just keep on moving forward. Keep on moving in the right direction. You will get to your destination as long as you don't give up. Keep your eyes on the prize and never doubt your abilities. We are strong individuals able to accomplishing anything in life that we put our minds too. We weren't built to give up and fail. We're built to survive and overcome the hardships life throws at us. Stay strong my friends. One love

Sun Fire

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

One day at a time

Nothing will break us down people. We are strong individuals that can outlast anything.
Forget the nonsense trying to hold us down. The drama. The negativity. Let it all go. Don't let the outer sources of evil bring you down. Keep your head up. We all deal with our own drama.  It just matters how we react to it. Stay calm and just breathe, everything will work itself out. One day at a time. 


Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rise Above

I hope everyone has a beautiful day. I wake up in the morning with the motivation to have a good day. Sorry it took so long for the blog. Just came back from a bike ride. It was nice to feel the breeze and take in that crisp air. Get out and enjoy the day. Feel the energy around you. Soak it in like the sunrays. Their is no reason to let any negative situations ruin your positive aura. Just walk away. Stay strong brothers and sisters I believe in you. I hope you have a great day.

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Monday, October 14, 2013

Blurred lines

Well it's Monday again. The weekend is over and now its back to work. I hope you all had a great weekend. Mine was flawless. Its best to make the best out of any situation life throws at you. We gotta be strong minded individuals. A true thank you to everyone who  made the show. I played for 3 hrs. My voice is hoarse but it was definitely worth it. People were comparing me to Bob Dylan. Now thats not a bad compliment.  I am so proud of myself. Hard work does pay off. Keep your hopes and dreams alive. You never know who may be watching.  Keep up the great work my friends and thank you for sharing your positive energy with me. Its all good.

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Slowly but surely we'll get there.

I hope you enjoy the old picture of my native family.  That picture is from 2000. My going away party for UC IRVINE. Its been 13 years since that  day had passed and I remember it like yesterday.  My family was so proud of me being the first Garcia to head off to college. I may have had a few bumps in the road, but overall I've prevailed. I have come so far that I deserve the love everyone does in life. Make true choices and the world will respond truthfully. Its all in good faith and karma. I know I have suffered enough and I feel the repercussions have been felt. The time is now for us to take our lives back stand up for what we believe In. Last minute cancelation by my opening act so I will be performing all afternoon 3-6pm at Beachcomber Tavern in Silverstrand. Thank you for stopping by and hope to see you there.

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Another day just the same ol' way

Well its Saturday and I feel up to something fun. The Ojai artwalk is going on so Sheila and I will check it out. Regardless of whatever mistakes we have made, always apologize sincerely. That is the best thing you can do. And really be sincere. Loyalty goes a long ways. Trust me I've learned over the years on what really counts. Loyalty. So thank you to all of you who keep this blog alive. I know it's one of its own kind.

One love

Sun Fire aka Giigzis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Friday, October 11, 2013

When going gets tough...the tough get going

I work hard so I can give my son a better life. Be able to provide without worrying about money. I know that you believe in me otherwise you wouldn't be here reading my words. Regardless of any obstacles or hurdles I must jump over nothing will stop me.Throughtout my life there have been hard knocks and consequences.  I usually have to learn the hard way because I dont take everything at face value. Sometimes I act without even thinking about the consequences.  Hey were all knuckle heads sometimes and we have hiccups in life. Just learn your lesson and move on. Thank god yesterday is gone and I get to start over. We all do. You wanna hold mistakes against me that's your choice.  I know where I'd headed in the end. Life is like walking up a hill...don't stop regardless of the terrain be a chameleon and adjust to all situations accordingly.  Stay strong my friends. May you have a blessed day.

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Make it or break it

Creativity is such a gift that we all contain. We must move forward with that gift and offer it to the world. That's the only way we'll save this place we call home. Too many people with disastrous minds are trying to take this gift away from us. We must stand up and fight for what's ours. Stay strong, fit and motivated.  Constantly train the body and mind to peak levels. Knowledge is key to our struggle. We must stay informed and aware of all things going on in the world. I'm gonna say it...We need to be better human beings. Even though we have scars and wounds we will still fight to live another day. Now that I am aware of my native roots I have a better understanding of who I am and what my purpose is. Without struggle there is no success. Thank you for stopping by and may your day go in peace.

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Praise the love

How special she is to me...she shows me patience. One of the best qualities known to man. She is trustworthy and has a gentle old soul that needs to be nourished. She has shown me the true feeling of unconditional love. Love with no borders or barriers. She has shown me kindness and has shown me pain of a broken heart.  She has mended my life back together piece by piece. She won't let me fail. She pushes me to be a better man. A gentle man for a gentle lady. I have learned more about myself since she has been in my life. Im glad I found you because I would be lost like I was when you met me. You have shown me the light and lit the candle to light my way thru the forest. Thank you for being the woman you are. You make this adventure so much better.

I love you

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Peace love and happiness

I swear I have done some stupid things in my life and have most definitely paid the price for the consequences. I have learned my lesson the hard way. But hey I'm a knucklehead and sometimes make the wrong decisions. No one is perfect. Im pretty glad I'm not. I am thankful for my flaws, because that's what makes me, me. Thats what makes us who we are. The human race. We are all unique and special. Don't ever forget that. We are blessed with intelligence and communication.  Most of all were blessed with love. Love heals the world believe it or not. War is destruction. We need to start thinking about our future. We need to think about what kind of world we want our children to live in. Do your best to make the world a better place.  Thank you for stopping by.  May your day go in peace.


Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Monday, October 7, 2013

Aloha Monday blues

This is going to be a good week with rehearsals.  I have alot more material that I can easily play for 3 hours. So lets knock it out. Also my talented cousin singer songwriter Sal Martinez will be opening the show for me. It will be his first show displaying his own material, its really good. Cool style cool vibe good times. I hope you all can make it on Sunday doors open at 2pm. Music starts at 3pm. Beachcomber tavern in silverstrand oxnard. 

I really want to talk about making amends with people who are upset with you. Whats done is done and its all in the past. We dont live in rewind or fast forward, we live for right now.  Just apologize, pray for forgiveness and move on with your day.  Please don't dwell on things. Just let it go. Think of the damage your body is taking from the stress. Remember stress does take a toll on the body and staying healthy should be everyone's main concern. Hey I want to live a long prosperous life and have no regrets in the end. I do have my list of 100 things that I want to accomplish in life that I did in 2008 and 5 years later 2013 I'm checking more things off my list. Just be happy to be alive.  Broke rich whatever just enjoy the beauty of life. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.


Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Happy birthday lil bro

Today my younger brother turns 28. Just makes me realize that I am setting a good example for him as he sets a good example for me as well. We are both fitness nuts, but he goes hard at it. He just placed 2nd in s triathlon that was in Carpenteria last weekend. I am very proud of my lil bro. He has done well for himself.  Owns his own condo with my very super special sister n law. Today Frank I want you to know I am so proud of you. You inspire me to be better. I love you bro have a great birthday old man.

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Aloha weekend everyone

Thank god for the weekend. Lots of fun things going on like the Avocado Festival in  Carpenteria. Big Michigan football game against Minnesota today.  Baseball playoffs. Couldn't ask for more. Sometimes its good to have days like these. We all need happiness.
Don't sacrifice it for no one. I truly believe we are all here for a love. Share the love because the people need it. We all do. Dont hold grudges against people.  Just let it go. Be peaceful. The world can be a better place.  My plan is to do it thru music.  The universal language of the world. I wanna thank you for stopping by and make it a great weekend.  Be safe.


Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Friday, October 4, 2013

Nothing better than waking up feeling ALIVE

Usually the first moment I wake up and get going, I think about the people I love. Glad to be able to keep sending positive energy to the universe. The cycle of life that responds to your every thought and move. Family is the most important thing we have in life. Caring for our children, parents, siblings, etc. I want them to know my life is good and I am acting like a grown man handling his business. I pour my heart and soul into this blog just like my music. Just trying to keep it honest. You are in for a treat. Once the new music is complete we will be dropping singles of the best music I have ever done. I've been doing music long enough to know when you got a hit record. And so far all 11 songs have all the potential in the world. Thank you for your continued support and for stopping by the blog. The audience keeps growing.


Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Without struggle there is no success

What a day to get one step closer to our dreams. Every day you gotta keep building that mindset. We are very special human beings that can accomplish so many things. You have to vision your dreams to help them fruition. I believe any thing is possible to achieve your goals. It just takes hardwork and determination. Don't worry about what other people think. Opinions are just opinions and we know what we gotta do. Stay focused and driven. Do not let anyone get you down. Just pick yourself, dust yourself off and get back to it. I know if I can do it, anyone can. I am no superhero, but I do put up one good hell of a fight. Stand tall and make your dreams come true. Its up to us to set the example for the generations to come. Thank you for stopping by. 

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fight for my rights

I am nowhere perfect. I have been arrested 6 times. I think this is  enough and time to live a peaceful truthful life for once.  Im 32 years old and do believe in being a great influence of my son. He is the legacy I am leaving behind.  I love my son more than anything. Never give up on our children.  They are the most important things in my life.  Im working hard to be the best father possible even though he is 2 hrs a away. There is not a moment that passes that he crosses my mind. I love you son. You make papa proud

All my followers

Today is a promotional day. Stay tuned to the positive megessage all day. Onelove

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

This is for the people

Well here is another beautiful day before us. The sun is shining.  The sky is blue as can be. Its truly a blessing.  There is so much going on with mother nature the junk floating around in our minds is mundane. Dont forget about how beautiful everything flowing around us can be. The power of now. Being completely in the present. Listening to the birds chirping.  The breeze blowing the leaves in the trees. All of this natural beauty that goes on indefinitely. More than likely you realize the true beauty of life. Constantly evolving into something that is a miracle of life.

A basic necessity we need is love. Love is all around us everywhere we go.  Don't ever forget that life is a cycle that reflects your energy.  The boomerang effect. What you put out into the universe will come right back to you. Be full of good positive emotions and you shall be rewarded.  Today is going to be a great day. 

One love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia