Friday, February 28, 2014

Do you see what I see

Well its finally raining and its just one of those days where you just wanna cuddle up next to the one you love. Enjoy the rain because it seems now like its such a rare event. Glonal warming and climate change suck. But we have corporate greed to blame.  Profits are more important than preserving our precious earth. We all have a voice and we should make it be heard. One person at a time we need to fight back and take back what's rightfully ours. We can all unite as one and make our voice be heard. Brick by brick is the method and we should not hesitate to do something about it. The world needs change and it starts with us. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Its the calm before the storm and your at a point in life where you must make an important decision. Do you have the courage to take this leap of faith?  Are you willing to sacrifice everything you have by any means necessary ro achieve your goals? You bet you are...and I believe in you. This opportunity is the greatest thing to ever happen to you. You can honestly say that your, hardwork, determination and the will to succeed has gotten you to this point. Don't give up now. You have worked your entire life to get to this point. There's no backing down now. Its time for you to shine like a diamond. No fear. And as like my dad would say...eye of the tiger. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Life is about taking risks

Sometimes when you want to pursue things that there is a great chance the odds are stacked against you,  don't be afraid. Life is all about taking risks. I know the norm is to find a good job and getting health benefits. But that type of lifestyle is not for me. I wanted to chase after a dream that I've had since I was 4 years old. But I didn't start chasing that dream until I was about 25 years old. I did what I figured was thing to do. I went to UC Irvine and got my education to pursue the opportunity to become a lawyer. But after a few months I realized that was not what I wanted to do. I bought my first guitar when I was 19 years old. I always wanted to learn to play guitar, so I did. Now 13 years later it has become my career. The basis of my story is this...
You never know what you are capable of unless you are willing to step out of your comfort zone and take a chance. With that said thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Revolution of the mind

The mind is a terrible thing to waste. You must keep educating yourself to keep your mind sharp. The brain is a muscle that constantly needs exercise. Fill your life with knowledge and abundance and your brain shall reward you. Negative thoughts and emotions make your mind clouded and it makes it difficult to grow. If you can focus on the present moment your brain will react with swiftness and clarity. Don't let your mind go to waste. Keep it sharp and feed it with knowledge. It shall not disappoint you. Take care of yourself, get plenty of rest and exercise daily. A healthy life is a healthy mind. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Monday, February 24, 2014

Mind over matter

The human mind is a powerful force that we human beings have to use. We must be able to control our thoughts when our mind is racing out of control. That is when it's time to take a deep breath and regain composure. Still to this day I must keep working at it. Its a never ending battle trying to become fully conscious and aware of slowing down our mind. It takes practice every day to catch that moment of clarity. But it is possible. Remain in the present moment and remember to do this exercise when you feel overwhelmed. Each day we shall get better at this until it becomes routine. As with everything in life it takes practice.  Control your mind and don't let it control you. With that said thank you for stopping by.  May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Change with the tides

I am a firm believer in miracles and reaching our destiny. Anything is possible when you put your mind to it. We are all blessed with hidden talents and its up to us to figure them out. It is possible to live the life of our dreams if we truly desire to. We are all filled with so much potential that we can do whatever we truly want to in life. Put all your focus on the goals you wish to pursue and the universe will take us in the right direction. Don't let anyone get you down and you must believe in yourself to make it happen. If you truly devote yourself anything can happen. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Today is a blessing

The feeling I get every morning is so unreal. I feel so grateful just to be alive. Life is too short and we must count our blessings. Even for the most simplest things we take for granted. I wake up ready to see what the day brings me. Its a brand new day. Live each day as though it is your last. Conquer as much as possible and when the day comes to an end go to sleep knowing you did everything you could. What we do today will shape how tomorrow will be.  Take baby steps and take it one day at a time. Live everyday as though it is your last. Stay blessed and positive because only the good is real. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Friday, February 21, 2014

Light up the scene

Patience is a virtue. There is no need to be in a rush when it comes to life. Slow down reality and live life at your own pace. There is so much opportunity out there that you can achieve anything you put your mind to. I prefer to keep life at a steady pace so I can experience everything that comes my way. Life is so precious you should always savor the moment. Take a deep breath and smell the roses because life is just too short to miss out on the small things that mean so much to us. Never forget your family and remember to show them love at every possibility. We can't do this alone, we need a support system that is positive and beneficial. Remember there are so many pieces to the puzzle. Make sure they fit and move on to the next one. I cannot guarantee that things will go perfect. But you never know unless you try. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Just roll with it

The best method of living is day by day. Not pressuring too much on the future. We must stay focused on the present moment. I am not perfect and I do have many flaws, but I remind myself that I am only human. We are all prone to make mistakes, I am aware of that. But in the long run our flaws is what makes us who we are. We are always improving and that is what makes life so wonderful. I want to keep learning more and more each and every day. Life is filled with its ups and downs so we must focus on the positive. I cannot stress how important that is to our way of life. I never want to look back and say I should of, would of, could of. I want to know I lived life to the fullest with no regrets. That is my main goal. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Love makes the world go round

Communication is vital to any relationship. We are all loving human beings and we must be able to express how we feel. How we feel about ourselves is crucial to the way our heart beats to the rhythm of love. No one is perfect and we're bound to make mistakes. So do your best to express yourselves in a calm and easy demeanor. You don't need a shouting match to get your point across. Be easy and speak with love in your soul. All we can do is our best. And in the end...that's all that matters. Be patient and think before you speak. Have a great day. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


I enjoy this part of my day when everyone is still sleeping and there is absolute quiet time in the house. I once read that we are most creative when we first wake up. I do believe that it's true. My goal is to inspire you with my writing. Whether it's my blog or my music, I just want to help you think outside the box. If I can inspire just one person a day, I'll know I did my job. My method is brick by brick. One person at a time. We all can achieve anything we put our mind to. I definitely believe that. It has always worked that way for me. Or maybe I'm just different. Whenever I put my mind on something, I always accepted the challenge. I'm not saying you have be like me either. Just be yourself and see where the universe takes you. We only live once, so you might as well give it all you got. Trust me it will payoff. Strive for greatness and be the best you can be. That's all I am asking of you. It makes me feel good knowing that I helped jump start your day with positive energy. Never give up, because I know that I won't. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Monday, February 17, 2014


Sometimes I just sit in silence and appreciate the stillness of life that surrounds me. I hope to savor the present
moment and get lost in my thoughts. But suddenly the thoughts are gone and I'm focused on the everlasting present moment. I try and seek for an understanding of what life is truly about. I don't know if I seek safety or the truth. What I do know is that I am at peace with myself. I cannot ask for much more than that. I find peace in the moment and that provides me with comfort. I seek for the higher power to do what's meant to be. I am truly thankful for this gift of creativity that I am blessed with. I get to do what I love and I couldn't ask for much more than that. We all have the potential to do great things. Today we are one step closer to the destination than we were yesterday. Appreciate this gift of life. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Sunday, February 16, 2014


The precious gift of life should be treated with appreciation. Show gratitude for everything life has to offer. Best is still yet to come. But in reality the only thing that matters is right now. Treasure the experiences because we only live once. I firmly believe that focusing on the present moment will bring you enlightenment. You will be closer to your being. Your inner soul can be delighted with happiness and the joy shall set you free. We are all in control of our own destiny. Create the life you want to live. It all begins right now. The present moment is the only thing that you should focus on. If you can achieve this task you will be free to do whatever you please without focusing on the past or the future. It is an incredible feeling. You will be able to harness creativity and tap into a higher power regardless of your beliefs. We all have this gift. With that said thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Just roll with it

Such an amazing start to the day. I woke up to one of the most beautiful sunrise I've ever seen. Maybe it's a sign from the heavens to remind me how precious life is. All I know is that life is all about the experience and we must appreciate everything it has to offer. I don't regret anything I have ever been through in my life. It has led me to this point and shaped me into the man I am today. Nothing has been perfect and there have been plenty of twists and turns. But in the end, it was all worth it. I am grateful for everything I have experienced in my life. Truly I am blessed. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Friday, February 14, 2014

One day at a time

So as I continue on this journey, everyday gets better and better. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but I remember that life is good and I do my best to embrace it. No one is perfect and we all have our own demons we must battle. But in the long run that is what life is all about. Life is a beautiful thing and we must embrace every bit of it. Today is Valentines Day and the energy of love will be dispersed through out the universe today. The energy field will be running on full speed and we must take advantage of this day to give thanks and blessings to those we love. Enjoy the love from everyone and accept it from everywhere. Don't forget to smile and spread joy everywhere you go. With that said thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Pleasure and pain

We should embrace everything life has to offer. It is a beautiful life out there for each and everyone to enjoy. Make it a point to appreciate the beauty in the universe. We must be optimistic about life and have an open mind. Don't let negativity ruin the flow of the universe. We are all one interconnected by atoms and molecules. We are just matter. We are all human beings created equal. If we could accept one another and be more giving, the world would be such a better place without famine, poverty and war. Capitalism has destroyed the true meaning of democracy. Corporate greed has ruined the planet. I promise I will do the best I can to cause change. We all should be working together as a collaboration to put an end to the injustice. We must unite as one. We are all one. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The awakened generation

Times have been changing and we are at a point in society where we can all achieve enlightenment. We must remove ourselves from the ego and focus on our being. Spirituality is much deeper than religion. It is becoming one with nature and the universe. We must tap into our soul and remain in the present moment. Shift your focus from the past and future and remain conscious to the now. That is all that matters. The present moment is a gift and we must not take it for granted. Express your gratitude for everything. Nothing in life is guaranteed so remain focused. We have the choice to make any decision we want or need so choose the correct path. One that is filled with love and respect for everyone. Surround yourself with positive people who encourage you. That is the way to go. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Peace shall prosper

As people we need to unite as one. There is too much hatred in society. We need to get back to our roots. We are all one kind...the human kind. Regardless of color, status, sexual orientation etc. We are all human beings. Yesterday Michael Sam made a huge step forward by putting himself out there for the world to judge. I saw on twitter some very harsh judgemental criticism from people. People from the hip hop community. For encouraging his bold statement I received a backlash of hatred remarks towards me. I was very disappointed.

This brings me to the grammy awards. There was so much negativity towards Macklemore for winning the Grammy for best rap album. I mean seriously people had the nerve to say he won because he was white. The truth is...he won because he broke barriers and his music was something the hiphop community never has spoken about. It proves that the ignorance and homophobic still lies within the rap game as you would call it.
Times have changed and we are a newly enlightened generation. People just want acceptance to be whoever they want to be. That's why I say this proudly...we are all human beings and we are one. If ignorance, racism and bigotry still exist among us then no one has learned anything from all the leaders of change. We are all equal. With that said thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Monday, February 10, 2014

As the universe responds

Put the energy out there and see what happens.  The universe will respond to whatever it is you are asking for. Its a boomerang effect that feeds off your energy to reward you with whatever you are asking for. Be logical about it though and keep it realistic. You must work hard for anything you are chasing after. And if its love you are asking for...please be patient. But it all comes down to you, ourselves, we must put our energy in motion to guide us along this journey. This is the law of attraction.

Also remain present and focus on what is happening right now. All that matters is this present moment. The past is the past and its time to move forward. It is the power of now. If you haven't read these books,  I definitely encourage you to get them. They are very inspiring and can take the meaning of life to a whole new level. Enjoy life for the great and positive experiences it offers. There is no need to focus on the negative. That is only thought. Only the good is real. Everything else is just trivial stuff the mind plays to get you stuck in a terrible frame of mind with stress and anxiety. Trust me that is not how you wanna live. It is unhealthy and can do a lot of damage to your health. Remain positive and remember the universe will respond. With that said, thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Don't give up on love

Sometimes relationships can have their speed bumps. Its just apart of life. Even though we try to make things perfect, sometimes emotions get the best of us. Regardless of the situation don't give up. The drama shall soon pass. I am a passionate person and hopeless romantic. I can honestly say I have found my soul mate. Our connection is deeper than anything I have ever felt in my life. So when things don't go as smoothly as I would like. I fight for my relationship to survive. I know sometimes we can be in unhealthy situations and when there is abuse, yes you must move on. But don't sweat the small stuff and give up so easily. When I had met my fiancé, it was at a time when I had already given up on love. But a random encounter changed my life course forever after that night. I remember it like it was yesterday. And how it felt to love again. It wasn't easy to get where we are today.  But the struggle and the fight was all worth it. We both helped one another evolve as human beings and it gave us the freedom to live any life we wanted. We have been non stop supporters of each other and our dreams came true. Don't ever give up on love because trust me there is someone in this world thats just been waiting for someone like you to come along. With that said thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Take some time to gain some perspective today about how far you have come to get to this moment. We all have struggles and tough times but we must remain optimistic about life. There is no need to keep a negative state of mind, it will get you nowhere. You don't want to be stuck in a frame of mind that will cause stress. It is unhealthy for the body. A healthy body is a healthy mind. Just keep on pushing forward.  Don't let doubt decide your fate. Life is good and we must appreciate everything it has to offer. Remain present and focus on this moment right now. Because that is all we have is this moment. Remember how far you have come to get to this moment. But don't think about it too much. We all have a comeback story. So appreciate yours. With that said thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Friday, February 7, 2014

Peace love and soul

Life is good. We have made it another week and I am thankful for every bit of it. It has been very peaceful and humbling at the same time. I can say it has been a successful week because a lot of behind the scene business all worked out. I am grateful to have such an amazing team that is tremendously supportive. Everything happens for a reason and there is no such thing as coincidences. The opportunities that have been arising are so exciting to me. I have finally found peace in my life. All the pieces of the puzzle are starting to fall in place. Its a true testament that anything in life is possible when you put your mind to it. Appreciate the small things in life that bring you joy. Live with an abundance of love and happiness. Don't take life for granted. Express your gratitude for all of your blessings. Trust me the universe will work in your favor. Just keep radiating your energy. Make sure your aura is glowing and people will feed off of your energy. Have a great start to the weekend and have a blessed day. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Revolution of the mind

Stillness is a part of being. In other words being locked into the present moment. What only matters is what is going on right now. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. We have a choice to stuck dwelling on the past or be anxious about the future. The truth of the matter is that right now only exists. Be patient and focused on what brings you pleasure at this present moment. Hopefully your tuned in and it is my blog. Your obviously here for a reason so focus on what I'm saying. Life is beautiful and we should all just be thankful to be alive. Life is not guaranteed.  But when you have a moment of clarity it will all make sense. Appreciate this gift of the present moment and do your best to stay that way all day. It takes practice just like anything else in this world. Little by little when you can catch yourself in this moment its mission accomplished. Rewire your brain to notice these moments and day by day you will get better at it. With that said thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Dedication and desire

I have spent countless amounts of energy in the studio and rehearsing to get the music where it needs to be. The music needs to fit and be tight. It layman terms it needs to be perfect.  But there are slight imperfections that makes the music stand out. This is my livelihood and I am very blessed to have such an amazing team who is very supportive. I cannot even begin to fathom the fact that I get to work with the legendary multi platinum producer Ronnie King. I am thankful we have an unbreakable bond and we understand one another creatively. My message is that you can't let opportunities like this ever pass you by. When you are presented with a chance to take your career to the next level go for it. Things like this don't along come everyday. So when the doors of opportunity open, leap in and don't look back. Everything happens for a reason, nothing is coincidental. It's fate. I hope this motivates you. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Make the best of everyday

Please take advantage of the blessings of a new day. It is our reward to live another day. We have a chance to do it all over again, except this time we're gonna do it better. That's the whole point of life to keep improving ourselves to be the best we can be. There are a million excuses for us to smile. Instead of just living a routine, make it worthwhile. Appreciate the little things we find joy in. Don't overlook the signs of how beautiful life can be. You never know when the ride is gonna end so buckle your seat belt and lets see where life is gonna take you. I believe that life is intended to be lived to the fullest. That's my motto. Go big or go home. Fulfill your destiny and the universe will respond. Live the law of attraction and let the universe respond. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Monday, February 3, 2014

Just roll with the punches

There are somethings we do not have control over. It makes no sense to drag ourselves down when situations arise that are out of our hands. Just roll with it. I know sometimes it may eat you up inside and be stuck on your mind all day, but you gotta be strong and let it pass. Take notice of the things that bring you joy and focus on that. Everyone deserves happiness. Don't let anyone or anything take that away from you. Misery loves company, so choose them wisely. Remember only the good is reality. Negative energy is just in our mind as thoughts. What matters is the action we take right now. The present moment is all we have. So enjoy life to the fullest and don't sweat the small stuff. Think of the bigger picture. It's a beautiful world out there so make the best of it. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Life is good

We always gotta make the best out of any situation. We must remain positive no matter what you are dealing with. We have a choice on how we wish to react to these things that are out of our control. We have two choices. Make the best of it...or worry about it all day long.  We cannot let our minds dwell on things that don't go our way. Its unhealthy and the stress affects our overall health. We must reprogram our minds to just move on because it shall soon pass. Negative energy is just in our mind. If you are totally conscious and awakened you will know only the good is real.  Everything else is just trivial and putting our mind to the test. We shall overcome these negative feelings with practice. It won't happen overnight but every day your mind will begin to recognize when our pain body is active and that is a perfect start. It can take an entire life time to conquer these thoughts but with practice we shall over come. Just remember that it takes discipline and humbleness to swallow your pride and overcome fear. Be patient my friends and soon all the hardwork will begin to payoff. Live in the present moment and remember the power of now. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Yo soy pobre

In life we all need patience. Patience is a
virtue. There is no point in trying to rush through life. Dreams may not happen overnight.  It takes time and patience to get where your headed. Haste makes waste. So pursue your goals in a timely manner. Make sure you build a solid foundation because that's where it all begins. It's like building a house, there are so many phases to the process. So many people have a specific part they will play to complete the house. So just relax and let the universe do its work. I am a firm believer in the law of attraction and the power of now. You must believe it to see it. Believe in yourself and stay determined, disciplined and motivated. You may not see the end result right away but piece by piece lay down a solid foundation and let the house get built. I promise you that you can vision the end result. Focus on what you want out of life. This is a life long mission to be the best person you can be. Don't be in a rush. With all things in life things take time. Don't get frustrated remain calm and keep plugging away. What you do today will determine how tomorrow will turn out. I can't guarantee this method will work for you. But if you have a strong work ethic the possibilities are endless. With that said, thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia