Reality check-in from my world...The question I ponder upon lately...
What do children aspire to these days?
It is my opinion...that there isn't too much to believe in anymore. Role models seem to fall off the face of the earth...TMZ is scaring people in the spotlight away...I MEAN WTF...
I just don't see too much good and positive examples out there anymore for us to be proud of, except for the ones we set for our own...This is solely my opinion.
I will make this promise to you...I will set an excellent example for the times and generations that lie ahead. I will do my best to change the world with my music and leave a lasting legacy, that of an icon...who will always be remembered.
This is my message to you...
Do your best to set a positive example for those around you and the people you encounter throughout your life...people will always remember you for that...and you can walk away knowing you did the best you could...
Aloha Sunday,
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