Monday, November 23, 2009
Goals and the Struggle
We all must set goals for ourselves. Whether they are major or minor, we strive to better ourselves continuously. At the same time we deal with the struggle. But without the struggle, achieving these goals would be less satisfying. Everything takes work to get to where we want to go.
At the current moment I struggle with patience. I don't have enough. I am only human nothing more, nothing less. My impatience has consequences that drive me stir-crazy. So I set goals to work on it. Just relax and cruise mentality...
I helps me through the struggle of trying to better myself. There are many things I wish for, but I cannot have them all. All I can do is take it one day at a time and do my best to stay positive knowing good things are happening all around me 24-7-365.
With that said, make it a great day...
Aloha Monday,
Abel G.
"Jet Flight Paradise" is soon to be I hope everyone is prepared for the next stage in my life....thank you for the support...cheers
Friday, November 20, 2009
In the now...
At times it can be hard to shut off our mind as it rattles away our thoughts.
We are not our thoughts.
Once we can internalize that conception and rid the thoughts of our past, and what we hope for in the future, we are in the now. Because all that really matters is what we do right now.
If we can achieve the following, then the sweet moments of clarity are blissful. It takes some practice and discipline, trust me I work on this daily every time I realize my thoughts are off track.
It takes a great deal of discipline to realize when the thoughts are getting off track, to know that these our just our thoughts. Attract the positivity you want in your life and place focus on staying is a beautiful world for us all to enjoy.
Aloha Friday my friends...
Abel G.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Patience is a virtue
Patience is a pays off to be patient. Especially when greatness is happening all around us. I have a habit of being impatient and need to remind myself to slow down. Sometimes I try to conquer the world, but I am only one man.
Patience is a virtue...
Take time to slow down and appreciate the goodness. Smell the roses and know good things are happening as we speak....
Aloha Friday,
Abel G.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Overlook the haters...
Avoiding the people who don't agree with what your doing is impossible. I say do your best to stay on your A-Game. Not necessarily avoiding the haters, but do your best and stay true to yourself. Not everyone is going to like you, it is just human nature. I still try to be nice to the people who do not like me, what is the point letting a negative person get the best of me. Misery loves company.
As long as I could remember since childhood, I had someone who disliked me. Whether it was the coke bottle glasses I wore as a child, the natural talent I had in school and in sports, the women I dated or the music I make. It is just all apart of life. We must not let these situations get the best of us.
Just smile to know that if they are spending that much energy thinking about you, then you must be doing something right.
No matter how kind of a person you are, you can't please everyone...because when you try and please everyone, someone is bound to get pissed off.
Life is a natural high, so enjoy it while it lasts.
Aloha Thursday Universe,
Abel Gigz
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Don't ever give up...
I know that when sometimes we give it all we got and we still feel that we have gone nowhere. Keep on pushing. We always set the highest expectations for ourselves when it comes to competition. We thrive off of competition, whether its for personal gain, the sports we watch on television, etc. We all want to win or be the best at what we do, it is only natural. We work so hard to stand out above the crowd at work and in daily life, its just who we are, because we live in a competitive society.
Take the time today to make sure you are giving it your best at what it is you do. It could be the simplest of things, but as long as you know you are giving it your greatest effort, you will be a happy camper. Never give up because the results will start pouring in and your effort will show for itself. On that note cheers to hump day.
Aloha Wednesday,
Abel G.
December 1st, "Jet Flight Paradise" will be available for purchase, stay tuned everyone!!!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Keep the energy flowing
People surrounding us all feed off of our energy. Its best to stay consistent and keep the good energy flowing.
For example, because your day is not all peaches and cream, why bring the world down? Misery loves company. If your day is going miraculously great, why would you want someone to rain on your parade?
Its always in your best interest to keep your emotions in check and flash that million dollar smile that we all know we each possess. Why keep the greatness God has blessed us with put away for only select times? Trust me, keeping that positive energy flowing will bounce off the walls and get even the miserable bunch cracking a smile.
I am in no way reaching with this blog today, I am only speaking the truth. I only like to speak the truth with my blogs and trust me, the truth is what the people want to hear.
Aloha Tuesday, make it a great one today,
Abel Gigz
"Let the world see you shine"
Monday, November 9, 2009
Staying Positive
Aloha Supporters,
Through the thick and thin, we must stay present to our current situation and not let our mind get the best of us. What is going on in our mind, is not really what is going on around us. We must keep our thoughts positive. We are only what our thoughts make us out to be. Stay confident and keep yourself convinced that you are the strong, positive role model that others look to in awe. Keep your head up high and remember to stop and smell the roses, because life right now, is beautiful.
Get some perspective and keep it positive today, trust me it works...
Aloha Monday, have a great start to the week,
Abel Gigz
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Family & Friends
Without my family, my music would be missing the main ingredient. Family is everything to me. We have all experienced our falling outs and misunderstandings, but there is no reason to hold that grudge for the rest of your life. Always be the bigger person and give back to the family who brought you into this world. I am sure there are those who were adopted or raised in orphanages, etc., you should give back the love to those who were there for you in the meantime.
Not all experiences are rosy and perfect, but not all is bad. In my opinion tough love is still love. It helps shape us into who we are today. So take some time to let your family know they are appreciated and loved for all their hard work.
Without great friends, where would be in this world. We can only do so much on our own as solo warriors. Friends are what make the experiences worth while. Friends have really made my life what it is today. The good times, the bad times, the mediocre times etc. I will always know who my true friends are. Our support system, makes or breaks us. Be sociable and get that support network growing. Before you know it, you will have friends throughout the world.
I could not imagine where I would be without a great family and great friends. Take the time today to get some perspective on life and let your family and friends know how great they are and the importance they play in your life.
Enjoy the Sunday,
Abel Gigz
PS...December 1st "Jet Flight Paradise" will be available for purchase...the countdown begins
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Perseverance & Persistence
Jobless rate hits 10.2%, highest since 1983. There it is again, my song 'High Tide' is mentioned in the headlines of news throughout America.
How many of you are out of work right now at this time searching for work? Honestly, I was in that same group of people until Wednesday. Finally, someone was willing to take the risk of giving me an opportunity to show my skills. I look for sales jobs, because sales is what I have always been best at and now I start on Monday. Persistence paid off.
At times, you may get frustrated and ready to give up. Maybe you are on unemployment, so their is some kind of cushion protecting your well being. I did not have that option.
If you are serious about finding a place of employment, then do not give up! There is work out there, you just have to be willing to go the extra ten miles to find it. If I can do it, so can you.
Persevere through persistence and do not give up. Trust me its worth the battle in the end, because your appreciation will be at an all time high.
Hang in there..."I got no job with the bills to pay" Great line to a great song!!!
Enjoy your Saturday...
Aloha Universe,
Abel Gigz
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Its a brand new day
Its amazing how things can just turn around when you think everything is going downhill. I finally got in touch with a friend I haven't spoken to in a while. Its funny how you know things are wrong before you actually find out what going on. He was in jail for driving on a suspended license while on probation, but in actuality, he was going to the mandatory DUI classes that you are obligated to take if you get a DUI. The great news, he is out of jail now. Freedom!
Question is...If they suspend your license and you have to drive to get to these classes, then where is the medium?
Makes no sense, trust me I know, because I am going through these classes myself for my past mistakes.
My best advice during the drama, stay positive and look towards the bright side...because...
Its always a brand new day!!!
Aloha & Stay blessed
Abel Gigz
Monday, November 2, 2009
Live & Learn
We must always learn from our mistakes in life and make sure we don't want to make the same mistakes twice. Life's lessons can be complicated at times, especially when we don't fear ill consequence.
We must be positive throughout the turmoil with the family, friends, work, etc.
Negative thinking can get the best of us and bring us down.
We must maintain a strong character to ensure success in whatever we put our minds to. Anything we put our minds to we can achieve.
We must first believe in ourselves that the impossible is possible by any means. Just don't ever give up.
Keep it simple...
Live & Learn Baby
Aloha Monday,
Abel G.
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