People surrounding us all feed off of our energy. Its best to stay consistent and keep the good energy flowing.
For example, because your day is not all peaches and cream, why bring the world down? Misery loves company. If your day is going miraculously great, why would you want someone to rain on your parade?
Its always in your best interest to keep your emotions in check and flash that million dollar smile that we all know we each possess. Why keep the greatness God has blessed us with put away for only select times? Trust me, keeping that positive energy flowing will bounce off the walls and get even the miserable bunch cracking a smile.
I am in no way reaching with this blog today, I am only speaking the truth. I only like to speak the truth with my blogs and trust me, the truth is what the people want to hear.
Aloha Tuesday, make it a great one today,
Abel Gigz
"Let the world see you shine"
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