It is great to have an abundance of things in life. An abundance of love, peace, tranquility, and joy in our lives. It makes a whole lot of difference being happy with ourselves. When your smiling, you make others smile. A smile surely beats a frown. There are times in our lives when we may be down and out, but we must look for the good and positive to keep us going strong. I always do my best to keep a smile on my face, even though I may have my moments, I still do my best. I mean face it, at least were alive and living. Nothing can beat that. For those alive and dealing with medical issues, I pray for you. Wishing nothing but hope for the best and that miracles do happen to keep you safe from harm.
We all struggle with things that don't go our way. Its a fact of life, but our struggle to maintain happiness is what makes us who we are today. We must live for today, not yesterdays pain and tomorrow's hopes, but for right now. All we have guaranteed is what we have right now. We control our own destiny so we must make the best of our situation and work for the better. With that said, take control and let an abundance of happiness guide you safely towards your goals. With hard work anything is attainable. Maintain peaceful motives and the joy of life will abundantly flow for the good naturally. It is a beautiful day out there today, so make the most of it, because tomorrow is never guaranteed.
Aloha Thursday,
Abel G.
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