Live and Learn...
I know there are plenty of mistakes we have made in our lives, but we always get a second chance. A chance to make things right. There are times when we feel down and out and depressed, its only a part of life. We are human beings and we are not flawless. We all have imperfections that we need to improve on, but that is what makes life so great. We need to continually improve on ourselves. Working on the positive and negative things that make us who we are. I strive for perfection all the time even though I am far from it. My main focus is my family and my music. I work hard at trying to be an all around great person. A person who gives and gets respect. Respect goes a long way in this world. It is important to respect your life and the people in it. People will always remember you for that. It is important to redeem yourself for your mistakes and end up the bigger person. There is no need to be clueless about the situation, just do what is right and you shall go far in life. Forgive those who hurt you and do your best to forget about it and move on with your life. It will take you a lot further then holding on to things forever. No one is perfect.
So make the best of every situation and make each moment in your life count. You deserve nothing but the best the world has to offer. So take advantage and don't take your life for granted. Life is too short to be wrapped up in the drama, so let the negative go and be the best you can be. With that said make it a great day there are a lot of beautiful things happening all around you. Take care.
Aloha Thursday,
Abel G.
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