Make each day count. Each day is a blessing, one cannot take for granted. There were times when I lived without no care in the world. A time when I didn't care whether I lived or died. My life was spun outta control with heavy drug use. I abused my body with cocaine and ecstacy and lived for the moment never taking into consideration the people I may be hurting. I was on a quick downfall to hit rock bottom, which eventually landed me in jail. I had two DUI's and no place to live. Luckily my parents asked me to move back home to straighten out my life. It took awhile to pull myself out of the slump I was in. I was still partying out of control and really didn't get a clue until my parents kicked me out of their house. Thankfully my cousin took me in. I eventually found a great job and moved out to Newport Beach.
There is not a day that goes by where I regret a lot of the decisions I made. I honestly feel thankful just to be alive. There were times when I cheated death without a care in the world of the consequences. I hurt a lot of people, but I really hurt myself. I do my best to not live with the guilt and enjoy the brighter side of things. But sometimes the memories do haunt me. Music is what helped me save my life. The more I took it serious, the more professional I wanted to be. Life makes sense these days a lot more than it did back then. It is filled with ambition and goals and I am far from the person I once used to be. I am thankful for the beautiful people in my life that have stuck by my side through thick and thin. So I say this, make each day count, because we are all blessed with another day to breath and live our lives. Life is beautiful and should not be taken for granted. Make each day count.
Aloha Tuesday,
Abel G.
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