So things are going well as of right now. I had a meeting to discuss a recording deal to go along with my distribution deal with Wright Records. I played some of my new material and the owner is very pleased and believes in my talent. There is going to be a very solid commitment to my music career and dedication to my label. I will be spending a lot of time in the studio finishing my album "The Greatest Story Ever Told." I am very proud of this masterpiece and I feel I have been waiting my whole life for this moment. Once the album is complete there will be a lot of promotion, shows and a possible tour. There is going to be a lot of leg work to get my name out there and to make money. It is a very strenuous grind and I am dedicating my life towards this goal. I have put in a lot of hard work to get to this point and I feel it is well deserved. I have been making music seriously now for over four years and it feels like I have come a long way since the early days when I was making Hip Hop music. I made the decision to follow my dreams of playing the guitar and writing music in 2008. With the advice of my manager and family I decided to stop rapping. I always had a passion for playing the guitar since I was in high school and taught myself how to play while in college. My heart was in it more than rapping and I could pour my feelings out when I sang and played. I started playing shows immediately and for once everything seemed to click. Now here we are two years later and I have a record deal and legendary producer Ronnie King is backing me. I have a great team and a very supportive family. I couldn't ask for much more right now and this is only the beginning. Wish me luck!!!
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