Thursday, February 28, 2013

Close Circle of Friends

It is always good to be able to lend a helping hand to those who are close to you.  I want to help others see their own dreams come true.  This is an investment that I'm willing to make.  There are only a handful of people that I can genuinely trust.  The friends and family that I do trust, I only want the best for them.  

I am currently in the works of creating my own record label.  I have already signed a talented artist who has a commanding stage presence.  Today is a great day.  Writing music and then the studio this afternoon.  I have a new song to edit and release.  Very cool uplifting beat that makes you wanna get out of your seat and dance.  I have to make you move and uplift your soul.  I want my music to take you to a special place of refuge.  I want you to feel the music in your soul.  That is what music means to me.  It is more than just trying make money.  My music has a purpose.

Music to me has never been about becoming famous or paying for my bills.  It was just about making music.  Now that it has gone this far since the beginning in 2006, I invest my own money into my career.  I am not waiting on something to happen.  I have taken my destiny into my own hands.  The investment is beginning to show fruition and it makes me proud.  Thank you to everyone who has helped me along the way.  It is very much appreciated. 

Peace, love and respect always,


Here is the link to listen to the music from your smart phone and download The 1st Quarter Mixtape:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Seek the truth...

Do you question everything you see or hear from the media?

The right-winged corporate media that feeds us only what the government wants us to know.  Secretary of State, John Kerry was in Rome discussing what should happen in Syria.  He suggests that we offer the opposition, military technology.  That's all we need is more military intervention throughout these unstable countries.  What is going on in Syria is genocide and civil war.  I just don't understand, why now?  The conflict has been going on for 2 years and nearly 100,000 people have been killed.  So the United States steps up to the plate now???  People have been getting killed everyday by its own government.  It is a shame to me that it had to go this long before anyone does anything to help stop the murder of innocent people. 

Did you know there is a proposal to turn Pt. Mugu into a Drone airbase?  Another way for the government to control us and invade our privacy. 

 Stay informed, get involved and occupy something.  Let your voice be heard.  Listen to my song, "Its the 99%.  Stay Conscious.

Here is the link to listen on your smartphone and download music:


Just Let It Go

It is totally okay to free yourself from negativity.  Even if there is something that keeps you from letting go.  For example, being in a relationship that you know is not healthy and sometimes toxic to your self-esteem.  But your loyalty and commitment never allow you to get out.  You may enjoy the pain because that is all you know.  

But then there comes a time when you just have had enough.  You leave, walk away, start over  and just try your best to live a new life.  (Minus the negative energy)

Depending on your situation you will start over from scratch.  Self reflection of good times and being with people you can trust helps make the situation easier to get through.  Or you may want to do it on your own terms and deal with everything solo.  Whatever way it is you choose, there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Don't let the negative energy hold you down.  Search for a better storyline and write your own future.  We all control our own destiny.  Be optimistic because there is nothing wrong with enjoying life to the fullest.
 To listen from your smartphone and to download the music for FREE, click the link below:

Have a great day...


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Til the sunset...

The day has been just awesome.  No complaints at all.  Very productive and progressive.  So now we have started the necessary process to shoot a music video to my song "Good Karma."  I know a lot of you have downloaded the song, so I wanna give you something in return.  We should begin filming in 3 weeks.  Thanks to Riley Real for making it happen.  

Now the other news is this tour that will be in 5 cities from San Luis Obispo to San Diego.  More details coming soon.

Its just somehow the universe is aligning with my dreams and day by day the news keeps getting better.  I am very proud of myself and really wanna send my energy to all the people have supported me throughout this journey of my life.  It means so much to me from the bottom of my heart.  I promise I will exceed your expectations.

Thanks for the love and support, sending some right back at you...

Here is the link to listen from your phone and download your favorite songs.


Imagine That

I finally feel like life can be so simple.  Just living on the necessities and forgetting excess.  My music is not about getting rich.  It is about connecting to your state of mind.  I just want to be comfortable.  Wealth doesn't attribute to happiness, because we control our own destiny.  Take responsibility for your own success.  Do what you want to do in life as long as your happy.  Don't let anything stop you from becoming the person you want to be.  
Don't let the haters get to you, because as far as I know, they will always be there.  Not everyone will be excited for you like you are.  People like to internalize their own situation and compare it to yours.  As long as I get my blog off everyday and work on music, my day will be successful.  Whether I am writing music, networking, promoting on social media or in the studio, it is all positive and productive.  Only I can control how the outcome will be in the end.  I work on music because that is what I love and at the same time I am trying to earn a living.  The music business is a tough business.  Nothing but competition, so you gotta stay on your toes.  Its worth it to me, because I get to pour my heart out into my music.  It is like therapy for me.

Don't be afraid to do what you love, regardless of what anyone thinks.  Buckle your seat belt and enjoy the ride.

Here is the link to listen to my music on your smart phone and download my mixtape.



Monday, February 25, 2013

Seize The Moment of Opportunity

When opportunity comes knocking, please answer the door.  Never pass up an opportunity to get ahead in life.  When hard work is expected please give it all you have got.  You never know who is going to be paying attention.  Nonetheless, give it all you have got regardless of the circumstances.  There are always moments that pass through our lives that offer the chance to achieve something better.  Seize those opportunities and take advantage of these moments.

Remember our destiny is in our own hands.  It is the God given talents that we are blessed with that we should be using to our advantage.  Whether its social skills, hand crafting, sports, etc. go big or go home.  Complacency just leads to casual living.  Take it to the next level and go for the gold.  No one can really hold us back besides ourselves.  Don't let intimidation by the competition get in the way of reaching for the stars.  Don't hold back, go all out. 

We should not live in fear of what lies ahead in life.  It is a journey that we should be enjoying ourselves to the fullest. We only live once, so we might as well be up to the challenge that lies before us.  Don't hold back and live like the good person we all strive to be.  

A few times a day, I reflect on whats important to me and try to set goals for myself.  I never want to quit achieving the steps necessary to get to my destination.  We all just need to learn how to enjoy the ride and play the game with the cards we are dealt.  I know things can't be rosy all the time, but there is no problem living like a king or queen.  

Stay Positive, Peaceful and Respectful...


Listen from your phone and download the music from the link below:

Sunday, February 24, 2013

The Journey Continues...

Wow, progression is amazing.  The evolution of an artist developing to be great.  I'm very proud of myself .  It took a while to get to this point.  But it was sure well worth the wait.  Today is a great day, the weather is beautiful and it feels amazing to be alive.  Living with a soul full of good spirits.  For this Coastline track we put a lot of hard work into it.  I want you to be able to sit back and relax to my music.  Its that soulful rhythm that takes you to a peaceful place.  

I hope you take some time to yourself on this day and appreciate how grateful it is to be alive.  Forget the bullshit.  Appreciate the goodness we have in our lives.  Let the positives soak in and don't dwell on the negative.  I hope I can keep your spirits healthy.  That is what my music is all about.  Connecting you to that peaceful state of mind.

I really hope that this blog can make you smile while you read and listen to the music.  Thank you for the support.  It is definitely appreciated.


Here is the link to download my music:

Saturday, February 23, 2013

It Doesn't Matter...

A known fact is that you can't please everyone.  There is always someone who has some kind of opinion.  And I'm talking about a negative one.  It's just another way to try and bring you down.  We already have enough to deal with in our own personal lives and now we have this.  It doesn't matter who it is, it's just the passing of judgement upon you.  

So today I make the decision to no longer care about what people have to say about me.  I know, not everyone is going to like me.  But my father once said, "Its okay son, you can't please everyone."  If you have nothing good to say, then don't say it at all.  I believe it is bad karma.  I try and make sure the positives in my life out weigh the negative, or at least balance out by the end of the day.  It feels good to get a good night's rest with no burdens on my mind. 


Today is a day I have been looking forward to.  Studio session late into the hours of the early morning.  I am excited to share these new songs with you.  Best of all, I am doing what I love.  I am so thankful for that opportunity. 

So today I am thankful for maturing into a strong person, who is at peace, trying to make the best out of life.  What else are we here for?


Here is the link to download my music below...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Tennessee Sky

                                                    Photo: Sheila Piala

Do not let bad energy ruin your day.  I know it can be tough to do, but trust me its not worth it.  I am currently working on that issue as we speak.  Yesterday was a test.  The morning started out well, great as a matter of fact.  But some things kinda went out of my control and I let it upset me.  After that it just seemed like the entire world was against me.  By the end of the day, I just wanted to go to sleep and start over.  

So now that a new day is here, its time to shake it off and enjoy myself.  No point in dwelling on the past.  

Have a great day...


Here is the link to download my Mixtape, The 1st Quarter.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Its Automatic...

As soon as I here the melody of a song, the ideas come alive.  I usually can determine right away if it is a song I actually like.  I'm very picky when it comes to instrumentals.  Even when I'm writing music on my guitar.  I either like it or I don't.  

When I find a beat that I feel has potential, the songwriting practice lasts any where from 15 min. to an hour.  The way my mind works is very interesting.  It feels like there is some kind of higher power that takes over.  I just can't explain it, but that is how it feels.  Maybe its because I am in touch with my soul.  I have no clue.  But when I am in the zone, whether it be writing, being in the studio or on stage, the energy is out of this world. 

I have read some books by Eckart Tolle that kinda gives an insight on these overwhelming feelings of joy.  From his perspective anyone can achieve this feeling.  Its complete awareness of being in the  Now.  The present moment.  Not thinking about the future or the past.  Just feel everything that is going on right now.  Like the saying goes...take a moment and smell the roses.  We'll that's the truth.  

It is possible to have this type of mindset all the time.  You just have to train yourself to not let your mind control you.  You control the mind.  There are options that we have to choose from.  Dwelling on the past does not help you and waiting on the future to come is a never ending story.  Just take a moment to focus on what your doing at this exact moment in time.  

How does it make you feel?


Link for free download of my mixtape The 1st Quarter below.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Putting In That Overtime

I'm not getting time and a half or double pay for the countless hours I invest into my music.  But it is all worth it because I'm doing what I love.  Music is passion and emotions that try to connect to certain aspects of my life to your life.  Life can be a struggle, so its only fair that you have something to fall back on to get you thru those times.  Whether its love, money, work, family and friends we all somehow turn to music.  

I want my music to inspire you, because music inspires me.  Its only fair.  I am thankful to all the people who believed in me since the start because you have seen me evolve into a great artist.  I have been doing this for 7 years of my life and constantly improving as a man.

 I love creating music of all types.  Whether on my guitar or behind the mic, it is all what I feel and  that's how I write. Appreciate the music as much as I do.  I hold nothing back and say what's on my mind.  I speak of the truth.  Whether good or bad it still needs to be said so I can get whatever I need to off my chest.  Its my outlet.

What is yours?

Do me a favor and stay tuned to the blog.  Enjoy the music.  Download the music while you still can for free.  And enjoy whats good in your life.  Be thankful and have a great day.

Download for free below.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Support Independent Artists

 When the finish line seems far away and the odds are stacked against you, don't give up.  I am a firm believer that if you want something bad enough, you'll achieve it.  Anything is possible when you put mind, heart, and soul to it.  True devotion and passion for your goals will get you going places. 

Everyday we live shapes us into who we are.  I believe it is a never ending journey constantly evolving and testing us so we can become stronger and better people.  There is nothing to prove, it is just the way of life and gaining people's respect.  Make smart decisions and always think before you speak.  Stay humble and don't let your ego destroy your personality.  There is a big difference between confidence and being conceded.  Confidence is classy.  Arrogance is immature.  

We are different people, but alike in many ways.  We prosper, we struggle, and we fight for what we believe is right.  Speak your mind and contribute to society in a positive way.  Stay proud and never give up.


Monday, February 18, 2013

Its the 99%

Design: Adamzworld

I don't know if this has happened to you.  Have you ever been locked out of your own facebook page???  Everything was fine then all of a sudden it asked for my login and then said my account was compromised.  Now facebook is asking for a photo ID to verify my account.  I didn't know what to do about it.  So I googled it and it is true.  Facebook can lock you out of your account whenever it wants and requires a government ID to get it back.  From what I have read, it can last anywhere from 1-3 weeks.  I usually delete my facebook and use it only for marketing purposes.  

My Question???

How much info does facebook need to have?  Obviously they don't have enough if they want to see ID's now.  I wonder whats next...

Sunday, February 17, 2013

I'm Feelin It

Photo: Sheila Piala

I am really excited about the recent release of I'm Feelin It.  I have been convinced that I need to do more songs expressing the range of my voice.  It is a blessing that I am talented in both, singing and rapping.  I just want to make very great records that people will remember me by.  Music is soul and I enjoy expressing how I feel about things that I have been thru.  I also like informing the people on what is going on in the world.  It is important to be aware of things currently going on, because one way or another it affects us.

I do my best to harness my abilities so you will enjoy the entertainment.  Remember music is a business and it's entertainment.  It is freedom of expression and it gives me the opportunity to discuss subjects of any manner I choose.  I think that's what make life so great, the ability to speak about anything you choose.  Forget censorship...its all about freedom. 

I am excited to be working with  a new producer whose style is close to mine.  Smoothness...
More new music on the way.


Saturday, February 16, 2013

Thinking Outside The Box

Get out of your comfort zone and try to accomplish something you have never experienced before.  It feels like that every time I step into the studio. Try things that make you think outside the box.  When I'm in the studio, I try to go into it with an open mind.  I try different approaches so the end result is a variety of ideas coming all together for the finished product.

I try this approach when it comes to everyday life.  Thinking outside the box has helped me get ahead in life.  Doing my best to stay optimistic and positive.  If I had any doubts about my abilities, then I don't think I would be able to have the guts to even expose myself to scrutiny.  But I feel confident in my abilities and I am only trying to give people a sample of my life and let them relate to it in their own special way.  

The inspiration I have in my life comes from all the positive people in my life.  Remember it has been a long while since I have displayed any new music.  Almost a whole year without any new tunes.  I was shocked when I realized that.  I didn't understand how I could do that to myself.  Music is my love and passion telling stories about my life. 
It reminded me to never do that again to myself, family, friends and especially the fans.  People need my music.


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentines Day Love Romance

Photo: Sheila Piala

It sure feels great to experience love in ones life.  Unconditional love that does not judge.  It can come from all different sources, family, friends and lovers.  It is an overwhelming sense of joy that never dies.  Whether people are in your life currently or from the past, there is still some kind of connection to the heart.  You never really forget about it because you opened yourself up to be accepted for all of your characteristics.  You are accepted for who you are.  That is unconditional love.  

Love with open arms because it will offer so many rewarding things.  Don't judge, just accept people for who they are, good and bad.  No one is perfect.  But that is what makes people so unique.  Appreciate where you come from and your culture.  Make sure you are open minded and accept the culture of others.  That is what makes the U.S. so special.  Everyone has some sort of heritage that they come from.  Love with patience, compassion and romance.  Make sure you let people know that they are loved by your actions, not just with words.  It is easy to say, but it is important to feel.
So make sure you fall in love with as many things as possible.  Stay young at heart and let things fall into place for you

Happy Valentines Day


Wednesday, February 13, 2013


How do you measure your success?  Is it the dollar amount in your bank account?  Is it the house you pay a mortgage on?  Your dream job? Great pay at work?  High school diploma, bachelors degree, masters degree, a PhD?
There are so many ways to feel successful.  To me personally I believe that it's none of the qualities I have just mentioned.  I believe success is based upon happiness.  A lot of things are used as a scale to weigh your level of success.  Other people may view you as successful for some of your material attributes.  But when the door closes and your are away from the spotlight, how do you feel?

Right now my life is well, under control, and very rewarding.  My life is filled with love and genuine happiness.  There is so much clarity and awareness.  Living in the present.  Not in the past or future, it's all right now.  Typing this column brings me happiness because, I can share kind words to all the people that actually read my blogs.  I also get to share my music that I love creating for you to listen to.  Its such a grassroots movement from the core, it makes me proud to share my creativity with you.  

Whatever it is you choose, I really hope you are enjoying yourself.  I pray for your happiness, awareness, and guilt free pleasure.  Everyone deserves to be happy in life.  We only live once.  What is the point of being miserable?  Measure your success by accomplishments and how they make you feel.  Did all the hard work payoff in the end?  Life has ups and downs, it's just how you perceive them.  Create your own path to success, and in the meanwhile enjoy the adventure. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Everything is all good...

Do you see the negative from a situation or an opportunity?
We always have a choice to make when any situation approaches us.  You know for so long I had always seen the negative first.  I was a trained pessimist since childhood.  I just feel it was the generation of its time.  Things really changed in 2008 after I started reading some books that had an influential meaning to me.  I began to experience things with a heightened awareness. 

The Power of Now had a really huge impact on me.  The way my life was moving was very incredible.  I had an overwhelming sense of joy and the things in my life were looking very positive.
I went from living on a couch to moving to Newport Beach with my own place.  It was an amazing feeling.  But then almost an entire year later I lost it all.  Thank God for the support I had.  But I had lost my positive energy and resorted to my old preconditioned ways.  

That all changed suddenly a month and a half ago.  I had made the decision to quit drinking alcohol.  I am Native American (Ojibwe), and we tend not to be able to control drinking alcohol as good as others.  So I had to quit or I was about to lose everything.  Sober 41 days today.  Everything seemed to work itself out once I made the change.  My optimism is back and I have created awesome music.  I couldn't be happier.  A lot of things can happen with change.  It may be scary, but I know its great to see the results.

So don't be afraid, because there is always room for improvement.



Monday, February 11, 2013

Good Karma

It really pays off to stay optimistic about everything in life.  Regardless of the everyday mundane things that we must deal with you have to stay positive.  Misery loves company and its hard to break the cycle when that is what your surrounded by.  So maybe its time for change, an exodus towards a new life.  A whole new outlook and approach to the way you handle situations. Life can be either heaven or hell depending on the way you look at it.  I know it can be hard to do, but you must stay optimistic.  Whats the point of knocking yourself down when you can pick yourself up before you fall?  Its all in the mind and it determines the energy your putting out into the universe.  Trust me and see what things, people and situations you attract when you are positively happy.  Its the Laws of  Attraction at its best.



Sunday, February 10, 2013

Its been a long time...

It feels good to be back with some great new music.  Stay tuned to my blog, as I
will be adding new content daily.  My websites will be up and running, giving you all the latest news coming from me.  I am very pleased to be starting fresh with new people who I enjoy working with.  Life is good.  No bad days.  The positive vibes are back. 

