Monday, March 18, 2013

Don't tread on me

Whether good or bad, people have their opinion on whatever you are doing.  Especially if you are vocal about it and telling people what moves you are making.  It is best just to keep things to yourself.  As long as you know what you are doing is right for yourself, then forget what anyone has to say.  Keep on moving in the right direction and don't let anyone slow you down.  You never know how far you will make it, so don't let the critics bother you.  It's just opinions anyway.  Everyone has an opinion.  Remember there are only so many people you can trust, so keep your circle close.  

As I move ahead with my career, I wisely the choose people who I want to work with.  People are always looking to run game on you.  Using you for their own ulterior motives.  The music business is very competitive and it seems everyone is all about themselves.  Be cautious and stay true to yourself.  Most of all, forget those people who do not support you or don't believe in you.  Kick them to the curb and don't even waste your time.  You know what you are capable of.  Take it to the next level and shine on.

One Love,


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