Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Don't sweat the small stuff

                                                        Photo by: Sheila Louise

I am on a mission towards lifelong solitude and peace.  But regardless there still may be conflict.  It is best to approach all situations with an open mind and optimism.  That's the best you can do.  If you approach conflict with conflict, you just get more conflict.  No sense in getting all worked up over nothing.  Things just happen because of choices and decisions we make have consequences.  Either good or bad results.  I'm sure you already know this.  Ever since we were babies our minds have been cultivated on what's right and wrong.  
From this moment forward, forget about the things you've done wrong.  Celebrate for all the good things you've done right.  Even the simple things can be adored.  Seriously thirty seconds of your time reading this gets you inspired.  Absorb this...we are all good, beautiful and charismatic people who need to be nurtured, on our own.  There are so many things that can be seen as beauty.  Look out the window, take a walk outside and feel the energy around you.  Everything is alive.  Think about the people who built the place you live in, the car you drive and the streets that are paved.  They did it for us to make our lives simpler.  Just take a second to absorb that into your mind.  Appreciate the things that go unnoticed consciously.  But subconsciously are alive.  
Don't sweat the small stuff and thank you for stopping by,
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