Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Survivng the struggle

So things didn't go as planned this morning.  Thankfully I had a back up plan. November has been a challenging month. I can't remember the last time things got tough for us financially.  Well the hard times are OVER. Its important to have options for every situation. Not as if November was already kinda tough, but my dog died as well. So this motivation comes from our struggles. It makes today even that much better. Without struggle there is no success. Now our struggle ends. Very thankful for the opportunity to move forward. I wanna thank everyone for their support during difficult times. Now I have no option to lose. Only dedication to overcome adversity. Don't let struggle get in the way of the goodness. Despite these tough times I did not turn to drugs or alcohol. I turned to the spiritual side of things and put my energy of good karma into the universe. Finally the universe responded. Thank you for answering my prayers. Keep our families safe and stay strong during difficult times. I wish you the best. Thank you for stopping by and may your day go in peace.

One Love

Sun Fire aka Giizis Ishkode aka Abel Garcia

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