Sunday, January 19, 2014

We are all one kind

Regardless of race, color, sexual orientation or religion we are all one kind. The human kind. We need to stop the war mongering and learn to accept people for who they are. There is no right or wrong in this case. We are all equal. Currently the world is becoming more aware and gaining consciousness. One day at a time  were beginning to understand that life is about positive experiences and the negative is just our "pain body" feeding off of the negative energy because it yearns for drama. We are capable of changing our thought process. Once you notice your mind is filling you with negativity you must learn to put it behind you and replace it with the positives in your life. This takes time and practice after we have been living this way for a majority of our lives. It won't happen overnight. But trust me when you finally get it, it is a huge weight off of our shoulders. There is no need to carry the burden of our mistakes. It's all in the past. It's time to focus on the present moment and stay there. Trust me it is possible to do it. It all just takes time and patience. Just put all the negative behind you and focus on the positive. Trust me it works and the truth will set you free because only the good is real. Thank you for stopping by. May your day go in peace.

One love

Abel Garcia

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