Saturday, June 8, 2013

Everything will be okay...

                                                               Photo by Sheila Louise

Be one with mother nature.  Appreciate the earth.  The world is a beautiful place.  Different parts of the world have different types of energy.  My suggestion, make it a plan to go travel.  Go on a mission and see all the beauty and positive things the universe has to offer.  Exotic places have exotic energy.  They don't label them exotic for nothing. 

Imagine this...
You are on the beaches of Hawaii, at whichever Island you choose.  You are laying on the pearl white sand.  It is warm.  You have made snow angels in the sand and the energy of it is rubbing off on you.  You are soaking in the sun rays.  Its okay the sand get's stuck on your body because the ocean is cool and healing.  And you can go cool down and wash the sand off in the turquoise ocean at anytime.  Maybe its the evening and you are having a bonfire...or a bond fire.  Bonding with friends while the fire crackles the wood.  Everyone is telling stories and enjoying the energy that keeps you warm.  The sound of the waves crashing at the shoreline.  Such beautiful imagery.  Get inspired, stay inspired, live inspired.

Sun Fire has spoken, may your day go in peace. Aloha from the Islands of Hawaii.

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