Saturday, February 23, 2013

It Doesn't Matter...

A known fact is that you can't please everyone.  There is always someone who has some kind of opinion.  And I'm talking about a negative one.  It's just another way to try and bring you down.  We already have enough to deal with in our own personal lives and now we have this.  It doesn't matter who it is, it's just the passing of judgement upon you.  

So today I make the decision to no longer care about what people have to say about me.  I know, not everyone is going to like me.  But my father once said, "Its okay son, you can't please everyone."  If you have nothing good to say, then don't say it at all.  I believe it is bad karma.  I try and make sure the positives in my life out weigh the negative, or at least balance out by the end of the day.  It feels good to get a good night's rest with no burdens on my mind. 


Today is a day I have been looking forward to.  Studio session late into the hours of the early morning.  I am excited to share these new songs with you.  Best of all, I am doing what I love.  I am so thankful for that opportunity. 

So today I am thankful for maturing into a strong person, who is at peace, trying to make the best out of life.  What else are we here for?


Here is the link to download my music below...

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