Wednesday, June 19, 2013

The meaning of life is to be happy.  Simple as that.  We can choose to make the decisions that decide our fate.  We can overcome anything.  We are resilient creatures that have the power to choose our thoughts.  We can stop the negative energy at any time.  It is our divine right to experience pleasure and happiness.  We are all here to live beautiful lives.  Make some magic happen.  Live as if time doesn't exist.  Be one with mother nature and let it guide you on your journey.  Day by day become an open minded soul.  Let the light shine all around you while you are on your path to eternal happiness.  

I am trying to paint a picture and give you a visual of what I am trying to say.  I know that bad things happen to good people.  Some situations we have no control over and sometimes we just can't avoid negative confrontations.  So, I say to that, keep an open mind that's intuitive and responsive.  Be happy.  Spread positive energy to as many as you can.  

I remember someone telling me that people who seem happy are really in denial.  I asked in denial of what?  She said that the world was nothing but negativity and terror.  I felt sorry for her.  Every aspect of this woman's life was living in fear.  I was under the impression she honestly felt this feeling in everyday life.  Trust me being happy isn't denial.  It is our divine right.  Genuine peace and love go a long way.  Though some days might not be perfect, realize how complicated and exquisite our human body is and how powerful the mind can be.  We have the will power to succeed.  

Now get out there and start living...

Thank you for stopping by and may your day go in peace,

Sun Fire

I'm sure there will be

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