Thursday, April 25, 2013

Use your imagination


Let the energy melt away a situation for you.  Pleasurable experiences that take you beyond climax.  Satisfaction must be wielded throughout various ways with the mind.  Use your imagination to take you away to a higher level of consciousness.  A place that is so real it feels fake.  Euphoria that you have never felt on a sober level.  No drugs necessary.  I know from experience on both levels of the mind.  Sober and with mind altering drugs.  Have you ever had a natural body high?

For example let's say you just finished working out.  Doesn't it feel incredible.  The endorphins are just exploding and you feel a sense of being athletic.  Like you have played a game of indoor volleyball. Smashing and crashing into the wood floor.  Imagine you have won your match and you are exhausted.  Doesn't the body feel good?  On a relaxed plateau in the Grand Canyon.  The weather is perfect.  Not too warm not too cold.  Take in your surroundings and be as magnificent as you can.  Its a body high.  Enjoy it.

Hope everyone has a great Thursday, its almost the weekend...


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